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Proxus last won the day on February 23 2022

Proxus had the most liked content!

About Proxus

  • Birthday March 26

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    United Kingdom
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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Joel Reynolds
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  • [FiveM] RP
    Daniel Campbell

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  1. consider it bought
  2. The final few chapters have been added. Admittedly, I probably should've posted them progressively rather than in a lump update but I simply forgot to. As the character has now died, it makes sense to conclude it now rather than over a time period.
  3. dont manipulate admins ty
  4. @Mikrolock this please it's getting out of hand, he's criticising locmax
  5. Thank you for posting your concerns. But you of all people here should know none of these subjects are as easy as you make them look. There are always 2 sides on a coin. Of course there surely are some truths in your document, but none of those show the full truth. Context is very important, and that is easily missed when you just collect random bits from over a years time. Eventually most of it is just digging up skeletons just to make some point. For example the part about the Alien role, that is just completely irrelevant. Here is where we politely lock this topic. Everyone is free to read it and come to their own conclusions, but we are not facilitating nor spending time on dwelling on the past. Every described situation has already been handled in some way or another, we are not digging them up again.
  6. Over the past few weeks, a group of players and some veterans have been working on a document regarding their thoughts and views using evidence from previous events. The objective of this is to bring light to some of the more unseen parts of Valrise and rather than using conspiracies, only situations where the facts are known have been highlighted. Some opinions may be used to link these facts to anecdotes, but the majority is open for discussion. CLICK ME TO VIEW DOCUMENT Anyone is welcome to comment regarding the document with corrections, ideas, discussions, thoughts, etc. All those who have contributed to this document will be kept anonymous.
  7. soon.. i will get my people to contact group council people to contact your people
  8. hes deleting nfr group bro .. come ..
  9. Selling $30M for $30M, accepting offers. Not willing to go any lower.
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