A situation occurred recently between TKGS and FBI where Simba (one of the leaders of TKGS) was held captive, for his rescue TKGS decided to raid the FBI HQ considering the number of FBI agents were not that many thus TKGS raided the building, eliminated everyone inside the building without anyone dying from their side and rescued Simba. All of this was roleplayed to the maximum level (with RPGs etc) with the permission of an administrator.
Fujikawa was permanently banned for this situation.
Now let's look at some pointers;
1. Simba is a key member of TKGS (high ranked) therefore his rescue was imminent
2. FBI did not have many people online during that incident, TKGS outnumbered them by a lot
3. TKGS roleplayed all of it properly
4. Permission was granted by an administrator
5. Valrise is/was a light/medium roleplay server
6. While it's a game, GTA V has a storymission where you attack a FBI HQ. SAMP is a game too especially valrise for a server is light roleplay / medium roleplay
Looking at all of the above points grants a valid excuse to perform raid and rescue mission
Onto the ''manipulating'' part of the punishment, here are the PM conversations between Fujikawa and Deckard;
In the above screenshots, do you see any form of manipulation? It's a simple conversation between an administrator and a player who's requesting permission for something he believes is correct. We have seen plenty of cases where a player tells the admin to ban x player or the punishment is enough or this or that, does that count as manipulation too?
We do not want Deckard to face any punishment but if he's given permission then what's wrong?
Another part of the punishment reason is ''continuous trouble making and racketeering'' this is the most absurd part since fujikawa himself and rest of the TKGS leadership has 0 clue to what troubles he has made and the fact that he only has ONE WARNING on his record, how is he ''continuously trouble making'' if he has only one single warning? About the racketeering part, we don't know what is that for, let's hope we get answer for it.
Management were approached regarding this issue but failed to get a reasonable response;
bear in mind we are here to stir shit up simply want to get to the bottom of this issue and wish to ask the players as well as the management how this in any case is fair.
Please discuss rationally and do not provoke as we do not want this topic to get locked