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LocMax last won the day on January 29

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  • Community Manager
  • SA:MP RP Developer

About LocMax

  • Birthday 03/16/1999

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    ŁocMax #0139

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  • [SA:MP] RP
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  1. You get 1 chance, do NOT waste it. Any single scam related rulebreak will lend you an instant permanent ban and a forum mute so you will not be able to appeal.
  2. Based on the ban consequences you will be unbanned as this is your 2nd ban. If I were you, I'd take this chance very dearly and refrain from breaking any more rules and making sure anything you're about to do is allowed. If you're unsure if something is allowed, ASK AN ADMIN. DO NOT DO IT.
  3. Hello, in order to get yourself unbanned, contact glass on discord (@iamglasszz) @macmac088
  4. LocMax


    Properties to be given away in this raffle: LV, Pyramid Pay'n'Spray NR 112 - $10,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property LV, ZIP clothing store NR 67 - $5,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property LS, Grove ST. house NR 216 - $1,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property LS, East Beach house NR 332 - $1,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property RC, Palomino house NR 462 (with garage) - $2,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property LS, Airport house NR 593 - $1,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property You HAVE to pay full property price upon /purchase! the government bank account, you will not receive that money back! How to enter the raffle? You must submit the format below in THIS topic You must send money to government bank account (#1) and provide proof of the payment You must show a photo of your /stats from the character you want to access the raffle Winner is picked thru https://wheelofnames.com/ Application format Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Show a photo of /stats with the said character: Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: Which properties are you participating for: When will the winners be picked? Winners will be picked this upcoming Friday in-game between 17:00 and 18:00
  5. CLARIFICATION: 2x means we're gonna do 2 spins to pick 2 winners for each of the vehicles
  6. Vehicles to be given away in this raffle: Sandking - $150,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle Monster truck- $350,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle x2 NRG - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle x2 Maverick - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle Stunt plane - $450,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle x2 Turismo - $150,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle x2 Infernus - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle Patriot - $350,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle You are ONLY paying to enter the raffle. No further payments necessary, aside of tuning and upgrading as you wish. No refunds! once you submit money to the government bank account, you will not receive that money back! How to enter the raffle? You must submit the format below in THIS topic You must send money to government bank account (#1) and provide proof of the payment You must show a photo of your /stats from the character you want to access the raffle Winner is picked thru https://wheelofnames.com/ Application format Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Show a photo of /stats with the said character: Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: Which vehicles are you participating for: When will the winners be picked? The event when the winners get picked will be announced on Discord #announcements few days prior, and yo
  8. Properties to be given away in this raffle: LSCH 24/7 - $250,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property Temple PnS - $600,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property LV PnS - $250,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property SmB pns - $450,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property The Strip ammunation - $500,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property Richman mansion - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property Tobacco house, Dillimore - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this property You will NOT have to pay for the full property price (/purchase). You are ONLY paying to enter this raffle. No refunds! once you submit money to the government bank account, you will not receive that money back! How to enter the raffle? You must submit the format below in THIS topic You must send money to government bank account (#1) and provide proof of the payment You must show a photo of your /stats from the character you want to access the raffle Winner is picked thru https://wheelofnames.com/ Application format Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Show a photo of /stats with the said character: Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: Which properties are you participating for: When will the winners be picked? Winners will be chosen upcoming friday and saturday at Christmas fair, behind LSCH, at 17:00.
  9. Cannabis Sativa Cannabis Sativa (Growing Weed Indoors) In addition to outdoor planting, you can also grow Cannabis Sativa indoors using the same ingredients as Cannabis Indica: Weed Seeds and Water. Finding a Cannabis Sativa House To grow Cannabis Sativa indoors, you’ll need access to a house equipped with Cannabis Sativa pots. Here’s how you can find one: Use in-character (IC) advertisements to announce that you're looking for a house suitable for growing Cannabis Sativa. Once you've located a house, you can begin the growing process inside. Growing Process Use the same commands as outdoor planting: /weed plant: Starts the planting process inside the house. After approximately 2 hours, the plants will prompt you to water them. Use the command /weed water at that time. The plants will continue growing indoors until they are ready for harvesting. Maximizing Your Profits To make indoor growing more profitable, consider renting or purchasing multiple weed houses (e.g., three or more). Growing in multiple locations allows you to produce larger quantities of drugs, increasing your supply. With a higher supply, you can sell at higher prices per gram, maximizing your earnings quickly.
  10. Cannabis Indica Cannabis Indica (Formerly Known as Weed) Cannabis Indica is relatively simple to grow in the game, requiring just two items: Water and Weed Seeds. Follow this guide to get started. How to Buy Weed Seeds and Water Purchase Weed Seeds: Look for the Farming Supply Store (marked with a green exclamation mark !). Use the command /nearest and select "Farming Supply Store" to find the closest one. Buy your desired amount of weed seeds (e.g., 10x, 100x, etc.). Purchase Water: Make sure to buy the exact same amount of water as the weed seeds. For example: If you buy 10x Weed Seeds, buy 10x Water; if you buy 100x Weed Seeds, buy 100x Water. Finding a Plantation Area Once you have your supplies, you’ll need to locate a plantation area. There are multiple areas to choose from, such as: Mount Chiliad Montgomery Blueberry Palomino Creek Ocean Flats Missionary Hills Bayside Tierra Robada Las Payasadas And many more. Choose a secluded location to avoid detection. Planting Process Start Planting: Use the command /weed plant to begin planting your seeds in the selected plantation area. Water the Plants: After a few moments, the plant will prompt you to water it. Use the command /weed water to tend to your plants. Harvest the Weed: After about 1 to 1.5 hours, the weed status will change to "Harvest." At this point, use the command /weed harvest to collect your crops. Growth Time: The plants will take approximately 2 to 3 hours in-game to fully grow. The exact time may vary depending on the number of plants you've planted. Stay Hidden! Be cautious when planting. Make sure to avoid detection from any Law Enforcement Agencies such as: Sheriff’s Department San Andreas Highway Patrol Police Department If you're caught planting, officers will arrest you and destroy your weed field, wasting all your efforts. Always stay hidden while planting and tending to your crop. Commands Recap /weed plant: Starts planting. /weed water: Waters the plants. /weed collect: Collects the grown cannabis.
  11. Notoriety System Notoriety represents your criminal reputation and the perks you gain as you rise through the levels. From level 1 to 2, you don’t gain any specific advantages, but starting at level 3, you unlock several perks, mostly related to criminal activities and interactions with law enforcement. Notoriety Perks Breakdown Level 3: Criminal Perk: You start gaining perks at level 3. Drug Harvesting Bonus: While harvesting drugs like Cannabis Indica, you get higher yields. For example: If you were previously getting 6 grams per plant, now you might get 9-10 grams per plant. Levels 4–6: No additional perks beyond what you get at Level 3. These levels are purely for progression but don’t offer new advantages besides the drug harvesting benefit. Level 7: Law Enforcement Advantage: At level 7, you gain the ability to view police radio communications. This allows you to monitor their activities, but you can’t interact with or type in their radio channels. Note: After level 7, there are no more perks; you’ve reached the highest level of notoriety without any additional benefits. Notoriety Loss Jail Time: If you’re arrested and sent to jail, you will lose 1 point of notoriety. Example: If you had 10 notoriety points and were jailed, your notoriety will decrease to 9. How to Check Your Notoriety To check how many notoriety points you currently have, type: /stats To see a dialogue of your Notoriety points, type: /notorious
  12. Group Information Table of contents; General Information; Group creation in-game; Creating group ranks and their permissions; Group color; Group skins; Turfs; Turf rewards; Alliances; Group points 1. General information Groups are an important factor in a roleplay server. There are many paths from which you can choose. If you are looking to request a group, you must fit the all requirements that are listed here, all information regarding groups are listed there as well. If your group meets all the requirements, you may proceed to create a group request here. * Note: Please avoid contacting group admins about requests; they review all submissions and will decide in due time. 2. Group creation in-game If your group gets accepted by group management you will be able to contact a group admin in-game by creating a support ticket. An example for that would be: "I require a group admin, my group just got accepted. I need it to be set in-game." The group admin handling your support ticket will set you as the group leader, hereby you will be able to start forming your * Note: Group leaders (rank 100) are set as 'criminal/ legal leaders' on our Discord. Make sure your Discord is linked to our panel, as all important discussions regarding groups happen there. 3. Creating group ranks and their permissions Once you get set as the leader you can start creating group ranks. /groupranks [group tag] - With this command you can create/ adjust group ranks. (Make sure to create a rank that gets set by default for newly joined members.) /grouprank [group tag] [player] - With this command you can give a group member a rank. /grouporank [full name player] [group tag] - This command lets you change the rank of a member while he/ she is offline. /v rank [group tag] - This command lets you bind vehicles to specific ranks only. It is important that your ranks are divived and the permissions are seperate for all ranks. /grouppermissions [group tag] - This command lets you change all the permissions for each specific rank (Hereby you can restrict ranks from accessing things that could hurt the group.) 4. Group color As a group you want to choose a specific color which will resemble your group. /groupcolor [group tag] - With this command you can change your group color. (All colors with a [+] in front of them are restricted to Group Plus members only.) 5. Group skins All groups are eligible to request 4 free custom group skins, as long as it is type-appropriate. * Note: We do not support deathmatch orientated skins such as; grandpa's, homeless skins, grandma's etcetera, therefor it will get taxed with group points if requested. If a group request 5 to 8 custom skins, they will need to pay for the skins by group points. (Group plus gets it for free as long as it is type-appropriate, otherwise it is 5 group points per skin.) Any request that consists above 8 skins is restricted to group plus only, you may find the whole pricelist regarding group skins here. 6. Turfs (criminal groups only) Turfs are incredibly useful for criminal groups, as they provide rewards, group points, and an opportunity to showcase their dominance on the server. There are a total of 27 turfs. Existing turfs; Glen Park; Willowfield Factory; Idlewood; Ganton; Playa De Seville; Junkyard; Jefferson; East Los Santos; East Beach Garage; Santa Maria Pier; Fallen Tree; Easter Basin; Foster Valley Mall; Oil Refinery; Chemicals Factory; Missionary Hill; Pier 69; San Fierro Warehouse; Hilltop Farm; Ocean Docks; LV Warehouse North; LV Warehouse East; Ghost Town; Oil Field; Tanker; Mall; Desert Airport. Important factors to know while turfing; A minimum of 5 members, including scripted allies, is required to start turfing; If the capturing group loses 2 out of 5 members (leaving only 3), the turf attempt will automatically fail; Group or ally members in air vehicles are not counted in the capturing process; Failing a turf capture will result in the loss of a group point; Successfully capturing a turf will trigger a 12-hour cooldown before it can be contested by another group; Passive groups are not allowed to participate in turfs; Mafias may not aid allied gangs in any gang turfs; Gangs may aid allied mafias in turfs which are only visible to them in /turfs. * Note: Any group that attempts to capture an unowned turf as first, is to be left alone capturing until they succeed. Turf commands: /capture [group tag] - Use this command to start capturing a turf, it takes 10 minutes to complete a capture. /capturetime [group tag] - Use this command to see how much time is left for the capture to complete. 7. Turf Rewards (criminal groups only) Turfs aren’t just valuable for earning group points, they serve another important purpose as well. Gang turfs; Glen Park (no extra rewards); Willowfield Factory (no extra rewards); Idlewood (no extra rewards); Ganton - Repair group vehicles on spawn; Playa De Seville - Increased smuggle mission rewards; Junkyard (no extra rewards); Jefferson (no extra rewards); East Los Santos (no extra rewards); East Beach Garage (no extra rewards); Santa Maria Pier (no extra rewards); Mafia turfs; Fallen Tree - Increased drug production rates (the amount of grams); Easter Basin - Repair group vehicles on spawn; Foster Valley Mall - Periodical group points for ownership; Oil Refinery - Periodical group points for ownership; Chemicals Factory - Discount on fuel and Pay 'n' Spray; Missionary Hill - Periodical group points for ownership; Pier 69 (no extra rewards); San Fierro Warehouse - Periodical group points for ownership; Hilltop Farm - Periodical group points for ownership; Global Turfs; Ocean Docks - Periodical group points for ownership; Las Venturas Warehouse North - Periodical group points for ownership; Las Venturas Warehouse East - Drug dealer price bonuses; Ghost Town - Increased business profits; Oil Field - Increased smuggle mission rewards; Tanker - Blueberry factory bonuses; Mall - Periodical group points for ownership; Desert Airport (no extra rewards). 8. Alliances (criminal groups only) Alliances are key to building dominance on the server as a criminal group. As mentioned before, it is important that group leaders have their Discord linked to our panel so they get access to a group leaders chat, there leaders have the possiblity to request alliance changes. Rules regarding creating/ changing alliances: All group leaders must agree on the alliance creation; All group leaders must agree on any changes regarding the alliance, including addition/ remval of a group; Any group that wishes to leave the alliance, can do that without consequences.; There are no alliance changed for 14 days after it is formed; 1. Unless one of the allied groups goes inactive (below 10 active members) 2. Unless one of the allied groups closes. To set or change an alliance in-game, group leaders must contact a group admin in the leadership chat and provide all the necessary information about the creation/ change of the alliance. You can use /alliance list to view all alliances 9. Group points Group points function as a currency for groups, making them highly valuable. They can be used to purchase various items and are earned through activities such as capturing turfs, completing special missions, roleplaying, and more. However, points can also be lost. Whether through losing turfs, members receiving punishments, or other setbacks. You can view your group stats with /groupinfo [group tag]. Group leaders can buy assets with group points, the complete price list for vehicles can be viewed here. Other assets that can be purchased with group points; Blackmarket items; Group perks (In-game command /groupperks); Vehicle upgrades (In-game command /v upgrade). Group points gain/ loss as a criminal orientated group; You receive +1 point every 6 hours per owned turf; You receive +2 points on turf capture (+3 if 8 participating members, +4 if 10 participating members, +5 if 12 participating members); You receive +1 point on turf defend; You receive +1 point for every 3 kills; You receive +1 point for every mission done. You lose -1 point on a turf lost; You lose group points if your member(s) get punished. The group points earned from roleplay scenarios vary, as each roleplay session is graded based on specific criteria: How many groups are participating? How many members are participating? How long was the scenario happening for? Is the scenario relevant? * Note: The maximum points a group can receive for a scenario is 20 group points. * Note: Business groups earn group points solely on their roleplay scenarios.
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