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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. What is your in-game name? Kreoxy_Carlton Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/24/2024 What is the ban reason? DM squad Personal comment hello, months have passed already since i was banned, so i think i am worthy of having a second chance. i did not mean to dm my friends mislead the situation and i was called for backup and i started shooting after they did i didn't know fully know what happened in that situation, anyway hours later i found myself banned
    3 points
  2. What is your in-game name? Dominique_Burns Which staff member banned you? Valentino When did you get banned? 07/21/2024 What is the ban reason? Trolling Personal comment 1 and final chance? Will promise not to fuck up
    2 points
  3. What is your in-game name? juan_carlton Which staff member banned you? locmax When did you get banned? 06/22/2024 What is the ban reason? DM relentless Personal comment i was drunk i started dming relentless i promise to not get drunk again and i have passed my sentence im reformed man also i would thank locmax for banning me because this learned me a lesson big one and i im learned it and i want to join again help and play and help
    2 points
  4. best drifter of the year doesn't exist, shieeet. - Shermaine
    2 points
  5. What is your in-game name? Martin Adelbert Which staff member banned you? Andrew Clarson When did you get banned? 02/24/2024 What is the ban reason? illegal mods Personal comment I don't know why am I banned tbh, This 0.3dl made me confused ngl, I started replacing gta san files which I got from some official SAPD members as it's not illegal (trusted people I assumed) and they're colleagues but in a few hours I found myself banned, Can someone explain which mode? By the way, little note: The point which made me contact them seeking for replacement for my GTA files was because I had an error and my GTA wasn't working.. so yah I'm confused now Edit: After checking the new GTA I downloaded this morning I found the hack you're talking about , I deleted it. I downloaded full new GTA this morning after the announcement of 0.3DL because the old one did not work but did not expect a hack in the mid of its files.. I did not even open the game since morning + If I use hacks why would I use it while on VAC.. common sense, That's it...
    1 point
  6. Name: Brian_Coleman Requesting: Business Image:
    1 point
  7. Not interested for weed house ( i need pots ) only sorry
    1 point
  8. It's better to use clear gta, or build your own gta, you can reappeal after 3 months which means no appeals before October 10th. DENIED
    1 point
  9. Name: Grey_Brooks Requesting: House Image:
    1 point
  10. What is your in-game name? Raven_Escobar Which staff member banned you? Jones When did you get banned? 07/09/2024 What is the ban reason? Illegal modification Personal comment Hey there. Firstly I want to apologize about this to staff team. Secondly, I added this mods 3 days ago tried using it on other server and it actually didn't work on the gta for some reason I don't know, I deleted it, today, Jones mentioned me saying that I got it in my gta, tried finding it in many files and mainly cleo since it was .cs mod and couldn't find, when admin Shaquille told me how to find hidden files because I didn't know I found that it was hidden and I don't even know how, I deleted it the same time I knew but I was still in-game afk and speaking to admins, Jones banned me after I even told him it was hidden, I ask you to TV me while mod is in my gta and see if it's even working on this gta or no. I tried it 3 days ago and it wasn't even working. Thanks for hearing me out.
    1 point
  11. Hello @Iggy92! Your property is all set in-game Regards, Administrator, Chris Harris
    1 point
  12. Hello @Merka Thomas! Your request has been approved for 145.000$ with Interior ID 114, ID 115, or ID 119, contact a property admin in-game. Regards, Administrator, Chris Harris
    1 point
  13. Hello @Iggy92! Your request has been approved for 155.000$ with Interior ID 56, contact property admin in-game. Regards, Administrator, Chris Harris
    1 point
  14. @Ken "DRAKEN" Ryugiji....
    1 point
  15. What is your in-game name? cruz_meriii Which staff member banned you? tanzidur When did you get banned? 12/13/1901 What is the ban reason? go play somewhere else Personal comment i humbly apologize for my behaviour in chat , i was in a bad mood and said whatever came to my mind without a second thought , shouldve waited my mood to stabilize but i didnt , and here i am, hope you can find the patience to unban me , thanks,
    1 point
  16. You're unbanned sir - don't be rude in public chat and preferably toggle it off so you don't get in trouble again.
    1 point
  17. Hello, Tyron_LaSenta! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
    1 point
  18. Why should I unban you knowing you just tried to obtain your friend's password few hours ago?
    1 point
  19. Approved for $190,000, with Interiors 100,225,230
    1 point
  20. Why the fuck are you selling that quick dont post something Here if you are going to sell in 2 hours next time i was gonna offer more for it your loss
    1 point
  21. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Zac When did you get banned? 06/04/2016 What is the ban reason? Not fit for valrise or smh like that Personal comment So my ban status now is ''permanent'' in the blacklist. why not make it into 2028 or something? let's negociate the year 2040 would be too late.. 2030 too early, let's decide
    1 point
  22. What is your in-game name? Raff Elarma Which staff member banned you? jonas When did you get banned? 06/27/2024 What is the ban reason? gpci changer Personal comment i forgot i had this in this gta im sorry didnt even use it tho mb forgot i had it on this gta
    1 point
  23. The thread showcases the development of Daxy Smith
    1 point
  24. Im just giving advice sir
    1 point
  25. What is your in-game name? Boyko_Gambino Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hernandez When did you get banned? 04/08/2024 What is the ban reason? Attempting to trade ingame items with IRL cash Personal comment Im so sorry, but i have been so patient with this appeal for over a month now. I admit to the usage of AI in the other appeal but the last one i assure you was written by myself with no AI whatsoever. With both the appeals Ive done as ive been told waited for the exact time to reappeal even with the last appeal I waited until it was exactly the right time in midnight. If this doesnt tell you that I am serious about wanting to join the community back and enjoy it with my friends I dont know what does. Like seriously, why would I risk using AI again after ive been caught and waited my 2 weeks exactly re appealing at midnight come on now. Additionaly, im not stupid enough to write another appeal with AI after weeks of waiting to get back to this community. Please I am kindly asking you to reconsider this.
    1 point
  26. Heroin shacks Commands: /heroin produce Left Shift to add ingrediants /heroin collect /heroin empty How much time it takes for 1 batch of heroin? Answer: 8 minutes. How to get bonus production of heroin per bacth? Answer: By capturing missionary hill turf or cooking at lucky hour. Weed locations - Updated Location names: North Rock, Dillimore, The farm, Mount Chiliad, Missionary Hill, Ocean flats, The Panoptican, Back O' Beyond, Whetstone, TR and The Hanky Panky point. Commands: /weed plant /weed water /weed harvest /weed rip /weed planter - If using tractor Defended weed? Now how to save it by burning? Answer: You can buy extinguisher from a tool store and save it by burning. ( /nearest> Tool store ) When you don't need to water the weed? Answer: When it rains, weed will not require the cmd ( /weed water ) It will automatically proceed to vegetation process. Meth to be updated soon.
    1 point
  27. What is your in-game name? Enzo Corleone Which staff member banned you? LocMax When did you get banned? 06/01/2024 What is the ban reason? Advert Personal comment Ok so I accept my fault LocMax said to wait 1 month I did. Nikky dont warn me or denie without reason add me on discord king.davis and we will talk bcs LocMax said to wait 1 month I did and now u warn me and say to wait till 8th october without reason
    0 points
  28. Putting up a property extends past simply showing a for sale sign. Engaging a skilled professional might simplify the task, guaranteeing a quick transaction at a favorable rate. Such professionals hold deep understanding of the real estate market, skilled at maximizing exposure and addressing issues, all of as handling the needed documentation.
    0 points
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