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Yusu last won the day on July 15

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About Yusu

  • Birthday 09/18/2001

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  1. What is your in-game name? Marisa Kirisame Date & time of occurence? 24/07/2024 between 17 CET - 20 CET Elaborate how you lost this/these items So i was in my tank at bob near the weed field, then suddenly i was hit 2 - 3 times with hunter's missles from NG side while attacking, since these missles caused me to lose most of tank armour i got ambushed by tanks cuasing it to explode and died can i get my noto refunded since the attack wasn't valid since there was an issue that has been dealt by Levi_Becker Proof check logs in the time i mentioned above, all the details will be viewed truthfully
  2. i would like to request an hotel with attrium interior
  3. Name: Marisa Kirisame Requesting: Business Image:
  4. i will reopen this request to see which request gonna get approved first lol but as for interior i will ask for it to be as same as property 422 current interior
  5. Name: Marisa Kirisame - House request Requesting: House Image:
  6. i would like to request this property with madd dogg interior (house is very big like a mansion)
  7. Name: Marisa_Kirisame - House request Requesting: House Image:
  8. or nevermind the request just answer the question :3 i mean by nevermind the request = close it
  9. can i request an house at this exact location with same interior as same as my own house in another area? is it possible to request interior change for property after being placed?
  10. Name: Marisa Kirisame _ request & question Requesting: House Image:
  11. hello, i did made an request for garage earlier but it wasn't activated yet, so now i am requesting again with same specific garage interior and if possible an yard to be activated to this house
  12. Name: Marisa Kirisame - garage request again + yard request Requesting: House Image:
  13. i would like to request an restricted garage for my house with garage interior ID 4 (Normal Garage "per the garage list on forum") for this house since it does seem suitable for the house
  14. Name: Marisa Kirisame - restricted garage request Requesting: House Image:
  15. This request is for activation for a group yard in blueberry, and still interested
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