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Everything posted by Yusu

  1. i would like to request an hotel with attrium interior
  2. Name: Marisa Kirisame Requesting: Business Image:
  3. i will reopen this request to see which request gonna get approved first lol but as for interior i will ask for it to be as same as property 422 current interior
  4. Name: Marisa Kirisame - House request Requesting: House Image:
  5. i would like to request this property with madd dogg interior (house is very big like a mansion)
  6. Name: Marisa_Kirisame - House request Requesting: House Image:
  7. or nevermind the request just answer the question :3 i mean by nevermind the request = close it
  8. can i request an house at this exact location with same interior as same as my own house in another area? is it possible to request interior change for property after being placed?
  9. Name: Marisa Kirisame _ request & question Requesting: House Image:
  10. hello, i did made an request for garage earlier but it wasn't activated yet, so now i am requesting again with same specific garage interior and if possible an yard to be activated to this house
  11. Name: Marisa Kirisame - garage request again + yard request Requesting: House Image:
  12. i would like to request an restricted garage for my house with garage interior ID 4 (Normal Garage "per the garage list on forum") for this house since it does seem suitable for the house
  13. Name: Marisa Kirisame - restricted garage request Requesting: House Image:
  14. This request is for activation for a group yard in blueberry, and still interested
  15. Name: Marisa Kirisame Requesting: Yard Image:
  16. Name: Marisa Kirisame - property interior change Type: House Reason: hello there, i want to request to change the interior of this house to "house 2 by octavious" thank you for your time :3 <3 Image:
  17. or nevermind, found an solution for the issue, you can close this request
  18. Name: Marisa Kirisame - property interior change and relocate Type: House Reason: i want to change interior of this house to house 2 by octavious, btw is it possible to move the house from this location to the other location (second SS in replies) Image:
  19. To be closed, the boat has been purchased in-game
  20. The price seems much for a boat, between 2 to 3m is the amount i would suggest
  21. How much you are expecting?
  22. Name: Marisa Kirisame - Yard activation Type: Other Reason: i want to request an yard activation for this lovely mansion of mine Image:
  23. I am looking for a squalo that i need for my fast travels in the sea, if you own an squalo that you won't use anymore; drop me your offer and if i deem it as suitable i would reply to you with an interest of purchase
  24. Name: Marisa Kirisame - Yard activation Type: Business Reason: requesting for yard activation for business property in dillmore Image:
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