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  4. Hello, Reed_William! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
  5. What is your in-game name? Reed_William Which staff member banned you? Jones When did you get banned? 07/01/2024 What is the ban reason? Illegal modifications-VAC 56765 Personal comment I apologise for my impatience on the other appeals.I was told to appeal at 27th of July(today).And Im ready to come clear.
  6. Hello @Daniel Martinez! Your property request has been APPROVED and the yard won't cost anything since It's In richman, contact any property admin or senior admin to get It done for you. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  7. I already have a 24m offer, but cba to keep waiting. Wanna buy it now for 23m?
  8. What is your in-game name? Enzo Corleone Which staff member banned you? LOCMAX When did you get banned? 06/01/2024 What is the ban reason? Advert Personal comment Ok so this time Im chill and Im waiting for months I wanna play
  9. Hello, Enzo Corleone! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
  10. Name: Daniel Martinez Requesting: Yard /gps 251 Image:
  11. Hello, moazamraheel! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
  12. What is your Discord account? moazamraheel When did you get banned? 07/25/2024 What is the ban reason? Spamming Personal comment i was just do alot of same msg
  13. Last week
  14. It wasn't even samp++ that got you banned, you used a hack knowingly and yet here you are saying you didn't know and that you downloaded a random GTA. Denied, re-appeal after two months and this time, consider telling the truth or the verdict will be just like this one.
  15. What is your in-game name? Jasmine Harrison Which staff member banned you? Andrew_Clarson (Sauron) When did you get banned? 07/25/2024 What is the ban reason? Usage of illegal Modifications - Nikky Personal comment Hello there, I'm downloaded a modded samp of graphics from youtube and i'm playing with it in other rp servers like Sunset or Horizon it's fine it's just gives me weather and water graphics and some modded things, Today i was laughing of charlotte cuz she got banned and fired from helper, and daniel martinez sent me a screenshot i have banned i didn't trust i tought it was photshop, and now i'm sorry i have removed all the files like samp++ and cleos it's my first ban plz unban .
  16. Hello, Jasmine Harrison! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
  17. Hello @Jelly_Roger! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  18. What is your in-game name? Marisa Kirisame Date & time of occurence? 24/07/2024 between 17 CET - 20 CET Elaborate how you lost this/these items So i was in my tank at bob near the weed field, then suddenly i was hit 2 - 3 times with hunter's missles from NG side while attacking, since these missles caused me to lose most of tank armour i got ambushed by tanks cuasing it to explode and died can i get my noto refunded since the attack wasn't valid since there was an issue that has been dealt by Levi_Becker Proof check logs in the time i mentioned above, all the details will be viewed truthfully
  19. Name: Gusino_Zuan Requesting: Business Office for personal RP Location: Rodeo Image:
  20. What is your in-game name? Dwayne Esposito Which staff member banned you? zac hernandez When did you get banned? 05/25/2024 What is the ban reason? Illegal modifications Personal comment its been 2 months now and im sorry for what i did, i wanna get back on the server cleanly and play fairly
  21. Hello, Dwayne Esposito! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
  22. We'll reserve Pershing area for more reasonable properties
  23. Denied - you're over the owned business limit.
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