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Stizzy last won the day on January 1 2023

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  1. Tino Corleone, a seasoned leader within the Corleone Mafia and a cousin to Marco, Benson, and Astrid, along with Tito, returned home from the military. Controlling the soldiers, Tino, one of the leaders of the group alongside Marco, found himself deeply entangled in the ever-shifting landscape of organized crime. The camaraderie forged in the military became the foundation for their leadership roles within the family. Inspired by Marco's ambitions, Tino sought to expand the family's influence in the underworld. Instead of investing in the gambling scene, the two leaders delved into the lucrative but perilous realms of drugs and weapons. They envisioned a legitimate front for the Corleone business, a cover that would shield their illegal operations from prying eyes. Their aspirations faced a setback after a failed attempt on Marco's life, forcing them to abandon dreams of legitimacy and return to the shadows. Undeterred, Tino, a leader in his own right with control over the soldiers, remained resolute in his pursuit. He aligned with key players in the drug and arms trade, ensuring the Corleone name thrived in the criminal underworld. As Tino, alongside Marco, controlled the soldiers and navigated the treacherous waters of the criminal world, he remained vigilant for any signs of danger. The past had taught him that the line between ambition and peril was razor-thin, especially in the cutthroat world of organized crime.
  2. idk who is he but i agree with emilio!!!!!!!!!

  3. When I shot him, he was in the maverick, as seen in the video which you most likely received. He most likely got out while the shots were on their way towards his mav - I guess he got out once he heard the autolock 'beep'. Not to mention that's exactly why I used autolock - so others don't get damaged. I surely know how big the radius is, and I was sure others won't get damaged. side note: the 'DM get out' ban is invalid, you can ask Kacper
  4. What is your in-game name? Matteo Armani Which staff member banned you? Eduard Reiner When did you get banned? 12/05/2023 What is the ban reason? Abusing hydra Personal comment How exactly did I abuse hydra? A felonious suspect uses an AIRCRAFT to evade, he gets warned *multiple* times - he does not comply and gets shot down. ?!
  5. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment I'm posting this appeal on 1 JANUARY - 12:58 AM (Gotta mention that due to timezone difference) It's been over two months, and I still heavily regret what I've done. I understand the severity of the situation, but I hope you get what the motive was. I'd like to get another chance, to play with my friends and have fun. Christmas is coming and I'll most likely spend it here - with my friends, if that happens of course. Once again - I sincerely apologize. Please consider giving me another chance.
  6. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment It's been over two months, and I still heavily regret what I've done. I understand the severity of the situation, but I hope you get what the motive was. I'd like to get another chance, to play with my friends and have fun. Christmas is coming and I'll most likely spend it here - with my friends, if that happens of course. Once again - I sincerely apologize. Please consider giving me another chance.
  7. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment It's been two months, and I still heavily regret what I've done. I understand the severity of the situation, but I hope you get what the motive was. I'd like to get another chance, to play with my friend and have fun. Christmas is coming and I'll most likely spend it here - with my friends, if that happens of course. Once again - I sincerely apologize. Please consider giving me another chance.
  8. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment (yes I did copy paste my old ban appeal) - I'm here to nicely ask you to reconsider giving me another chance, before the given appeal 'month' - PLEASE read everything. Here I am with yet another apology. I am not looking to extend the initial review month, but to nicely ask for another chance. As I said in my previous appeal - I understand that everything I said in the discord server was wrong, and I realized it after I did it. I did not mean to harm the server, nor anyone's reputation. I understand that what I did was completely wrong, and I agree with that. I have never been involved in such or similar situations, and personally - I would always avoid such drama. This has taken everything beyond the roleplay sphere, and I once again apologize. Even though I'm guilty, waiting such amount of time for a game is horrific. Unlike some other people, I at least *try* to learn from my mistakes and improve. I don't quite remember, but I doubt I caused any trouble in the server before the ban. I have waited well over 6 months for another ban, and the feeling is insane. I'll be very thankful if you decide to give me another chance, and not just deny this appeal like any other. side note: the ban with reason "dm get out" is false I spoke to Kacper about it long time ago
  9. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment Here I am with yet another apology. I am not looking to extend the initial review month, but to nicely ask for another chance. As I said in my previous appeal - I understand that everything I said in the discord server was wrong, and I realized it after I did it. I did not mean to harm the server, nor anyone's reputation. I understand that what I did was completely wrong, and I agree with that. I have never been involved in such or similar situations, and personally - I would always avoid such drama. This has taken everything beyond the roleplay sphere, and I once again apologize. Even though I'm guilty, waiting such amount of time for a game is horrific. Unlike some other people, I at least *try* to learn from my mistakes and improve. I don't quite remember, but I doubt I caused any trouble in the server before the ban. I have waited well over 6 months for another ban, and the feeling is insane. I'll be very thankful if you decide to give me another chance, and not just deny this appeal like any other. side note: the ban with reason "dm get out" is false I spoke to Kacper about it long time ago
  10. What is your in-game name? Matteo Maxwell Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 09/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Sabotaging the community Personal comment I agree that what happened was none of my business, and I shouldn't have done it. Everything was reported - exclude that. We simply wanted to bring meaningful information that managers can use for further investigation, not to waste their time with a person with 4 fake discord accounts. We wanted to help - that's all I can say. You already know the rest. side note: the ban with reason "dm get out" is false, I have spoken with Kacper about it long time ago
  11. Name: Matteo Maxwell Number: 2 Bank account #: 1029 Message: Happy Birthday!!
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