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SA:MP RP Moderator
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TheM last won the day on July 18 2024

TheM had the most liked content!

About TheM

  • Birthday February 2

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    a place where I can make fun of minorities
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  1. Name: Vincent_Richardson Requesting: House Image:
  2. Name: Vincent_Richardson Requesting: House Image:
  3. Name: Norman_Jayden Requesting: Business Image:
  4. What is your in-game name? Grigori_Belov Which staff member banned you? Anonymous/Matthew Reiner When did you get banned? 04/12/2023 What is the ban reason? abusing police system to obtain IEDs and plant them without any roleplay Personal comment Yeah, you have all right to ban me. What I did was a dick move I ain't expecting to be unbanned either only cause my reasonsing is shit. I just be here to say that I know I ain't roleplayed taking the IED, aka abuse it or planting the IED, but after all that planting at least I got what I wanted to happen. I got the LEAs to work together in a roleplaying scene or at least to roleplay. After all they aint need to always go around and DM, that ain't a point of a roleplaying server is it? Feel like I am moving away from the topic so I'll continue. I know I could've gone it in another way which wouldnt be that stupid but eh the damage is already done and I know I should be saying that I apologize for what I've done like every other ban appeal literally says that they're sorry and they'll never do it again but you know they always lie. Still I made this ban appeal to try explaining what my true intentions were and that maybe you'll consider it or not your choice after all. That's about it. And to these people I gave the IED to or to that one guy who stole it from me, that was still with the reasonsing of roleplay but as it's considered break of the rules because of me well you do you. I am writing a whole paragraph and I fucking hate it so I'll stop here. It's your choice if you want to accept me, I wanted to explain what I was heading for. That's all, Valrise Game Staff. The M is out.
  5. "No balls" Wonder who said that.
  6. In-game name: Nicholas Matthews Did you fully read and understand the above stated rules?: Yes, I did.
  7. What is your in-game name? Grigori_Belov Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 06/02/2020 What is the ban reason? money hacks Personal comment Aight man, so I'm here again. I already got banned and got the same thing, you told me to restart my router and i did but now it just wont let me in
  8. Name: Boris_Donchev Type: Business Reason: I'll use that thing like a bar so me and my friends can sometimes drink and party in there. Image:
  9. Interior : 60 Picture In the map :
  10. Name: Caesar_Escobar Type: House Reason: I need to start a life somehow, so I need a house of course. Here's why I want that house In Ganton. Image:
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