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  1. Sold to @bolohead. Jamell Brown In game.
  2. Starting bid: 1.2m Buy now: 2m Accepting Offers & Negotiations.
  3. What is your in-game name? Jamell_Brown Which staff member banned you? Miguel_Escobar When did you get banned? 12/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Multi accounting Personal comment Hello again staff members, I know I was very wrong for my actions in committing a serious offense in multi accounting which I didn't know was illegal. I just need 1 more chance and If I get caught again I'm willing to face the consequences of a permanent ban. I was also asked to re-appeal no sooner than in march so I awaited my time. -Jamell
  4. What is your in-game name? Jamell_Brown Which staff member banned you? Miguel_Escobar When did you get banned? 12/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Multi-Accounting On A Account that doesn't belong to me Personal comment Hi Administrators, I was banned and was told re-appeal to get unbanned. I really miss this game and I also miss having fun with my friends, I just want to come back to the server. I know this may seem as a petty excuse but I am really trying as best as I can to help myself. Please Help me.
  5. What is your in-game name? Jamell_Brown Which staff member banned you? Miguel_Escobar When did you get banned? 12/14/2022 What is the ban reason? Multi-Accounting Personal comment Hi administrators, I was banned yesterday due to multi accounting which I didn't know was Illegal. I would like to get unbanned or a second chance because I didn't know all the rules to the server. Thank you.
  6. Name: Jose Martinez Type: House Reason: Don't like Interior Interior I want:57 or 120(If possible) Property NR : 1563 Property Location : Rodeo Property Type : House Current Interior ID : 1563 Requesting a interior change. Although, I'm not sure if we can change interior of the houses located in Rodeo. But if it's possible I would be glad since I don't really like the interior which it currently has. Photograph of the property : Image:
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