I don't even know you, did not interact with you ever, I come online after months day before yesterday & you start chatting shit about me:
22-11-2022 23:01:01 - [public] Luka_Schneider (14)(114949): eduard_reiner lol asslicker
22-11-2022 23:01:46 - [public] Luka_Schneider (14)(114949): getting banned for calling eduard an asslicker?
I ignored on day 1 and again yesterday:
23-11-2022 21:21:06 - [ask] Luka_Schneider (13)(114949): @43 - eduard mad his country got mentioned in the /p
23-11-2022 21:21:54 - [public] Luka_Schneider (13)(114949): eduard how's matthews asshole
The fact that "I have never interacted with you or the fact that I don't even know you" and you start chatting random shit about me when you saw me ingame for first time after months shows that you are a attention seeking kid with no manners and decency to behave in public. These kind of people are better off banned than allowed to be in server. Because it's me today I would have kept ignoring you then you would move on to someone else, because all your sorry ass needs is attention and you can go to any extent to get it.
Anyways, considering you chat punishments, you were muted quite a lot of times for abusing chats, yet you kept pushing it, sooner or later this ban was inevitable, considering this is your 4th ban you will not be unbanned anytime. You can leave this server and stop trying for unban.