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SA:MP RP Admin
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shaqq last won the day on May 30

shaqq had the most liked content!


Community Positions

  • SA:MP RP Admin
  • Donator
  • MC Whitelisted

About shaqq

  • Birthday 10/27/2006

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Server accounts

  • [SA:MP] RP
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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Proficient (10/14)

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  1. Hello @Mohd Saim! Your property request has been APPROVED, for $700,000 with interior 96, 227 and 232. Contact any property admin in-game to set it up for you. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  2. DENIED, Reappeal 2 weeks after the ban date, 31st of July.
  3. Hello @Arnold! Your yard request has been APPROVED, it’s free of cost as it’s in a county, Contact any property admin in-game to set it up for you. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  4. Hello @Solim! Unfortunately your property request has been DENIED, Property not available. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  5. Hello @Finn_Blossom! As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  6. Hello @Martin Adelbert! Unfortunately, your property request is DENIED, as it appears to be a small bar rather than a personal property. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  7. Ur topic is literally “buying maverick”??
  8. Hello @Ahmed_Arain! As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, Administrator, Shaquille Burns
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