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SA:MP RP Senior Admin
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shaqq last won the day on September 26

shaqq had the most liked content!


Community Positions

  • SA:MP RP Senior Admin
  • MC Whitelisted

About shaqq

  • Birthday 10/27/2006

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Server accounts

  • [SA:MP] RP
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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5,839 profile views

shaqq's Achievements


Experienced (11/14)

  • Posting Machine
  • One Year In
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  1. Hello @Tomi_Mogilevich! Unfortunately we no longer change interiors. Denied. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  2. Hello @Adit! This is not suitable to be a personal property. Denied. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  3. shaqq

    Selling Shamal

    @Han_Zheng has this been sold?
  4. Hello @Han_Zheng! As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  5. Hello @nalpsyy! As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  6. shaqq

    Selling house

    Hello @Han_Zheng As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  7. Unfortunately we’re not adding any new businesses.
  8. Hello @BBrian! Your property request has been APPROVED for $165,000, with interior 56, 87, 90, 92 or 94. Contact any property administrator in-game to have it set up for you. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  9. Hello @Nick_Secton! Your property request has been APPROVED, for $450,000 with interior 53, 110 or 227. Yard will be free of cost since it's in a county. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
  10. No we’re not changing interiors, fix your game files.
  11. Hello @Colm! 2 weeks has not passed, try again on the 18th of september. Regards, Senior Administrator, Shaquille Burns
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