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  1. L and A. i am withdrawing my NRG
  2. Value:550k Starting Price:1.8M Buy Now: Removed.(sry for the second time) I am posting this again while removing my mistake thanks for criticism on the previous post.( GPS 704)
  3. This post can be L&A due to my mistake. I will make sure not to do these types of things again.
  4. But the price for this garage is 5m max? How will i asking for 3.4m will fuck the economy?? I do get that i was asking for a bit too much even though i got for free but i never had such good start in v2. So i didnt know that getting something for free and then selling cheaper then management price would get me a retard tag. But anyways thanks for the criticism. And no i am not a paki. i dont know why paki's are brought and insulted in every post.But yea i learned my mistake. I will make it cheaper.
  5. Yea. i got 3 for free. And sooner or later i will sell for this price anyway.
  6. Server admins gave 5m worth of garages for free and now i am selling it for 4m for some profit and for some reason "i will pay 5m but not buy from people like you'' like wtf you wish me to give for free as well?
  7. NOTE: GPS 711 HAS been sold. only GPS 704 remaining. Due to some pressure i reduced the starting price to 3.4Million. The pic is below.
  8. What did i do ?? So if i get 5m thing for free and if i only ask 4m, i am bad now?? No srsly, what is wrong with this?
  9. Name: Kabib_Jatt Requesting: House and Garage, yard and an alternative entrance. Image:
  10. Bought it ig. L&A please.
  11. Drop your prices.
  12. Why would I buy a 3khp bp window journey
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