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3 years of Mudoo Gaming - June of surprises!

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As I said many, many times before, June is a special month for us. It marks the beginning of the chain of events that led Mudoo's birth and now, nearly three years later, what it is today. We believe special dates deserve a special programming. Hence, we have thought on a few things - have a glance below!



We will be hosting four major events in the four saturdays of June. For three of these events [except the Drug Transport, which is a group-themed event], we will be awarding a full 6-month donator package [40 donor credits] to the winners, as well considerable money sums to the second and third places! 


Every monday, the next saturday's event topic will be published in the SA:MP-RP General board. Stay tuned and don't miss the event infos.


[The donor credits to be awarded here are part of the management's reserve, without any prejudice to the donating system :). If someone who's already a donator wins, he'll accumulate the points].



Hosted by Pepe Santos, contestors will show off their modified lowriders in an attempt to impress the grand jury. Key here is originality and creativity.



An endurance race which will cover the entirety of the State of San Andreas. Start up the engines!



Every year, the SAPD has to load off the drug stashes they collect throughout the year from the streets. Is this the time criminals take back what was once theirs?



A quest torments the people: in the 18th century, a britton ship attempted to port the coast of San Andreas, but has disappeared in an unprecedented storm. The treasure is still out there.



Sunday, June 21, will mark Mudoo's 3rd birthday and a pompous ceremony as well! Major surprises can be expected alongside emotional speeches and, of course, the announcement of the Mudoo Awards winners, done in an Oscar-fashioned way. 



FBI's intelligence reports suggest that unseen weaponry has been smuggled into the State of San Andreas - the problem is the cargo's remittees, in an effort not to draw attention, spread the weapon cases all over the state in order to discretly retrieve them in a later opportunity. Can you find them before they do?


[JUST for this month, we will randomly spawn cases of Combat Shotgun and Sawn-off Shotgun across the map. The first one who finds it will have access to these weapons. ONE case of each will be spawned in-game daily through the entire month of June. The weapons have limited ammo and they will not be available anywhere else - if you get your hands on them, you're getting your hands on a rare item. Good hunting!]



Chip's feeling generous. Apart from the scheduled weekend events, there will be many more unscheduled quests and events through the weeks in June with varied awards - from rare sports cars to unique group cars of their choice, rare weapons, drug packages, cash... if you're not ingame, you'll miss it!



This one might interest everyone, but specially, criminals. Next thursday [June 4], I will announce a surprise in the Announcements channel in Mudoo's Discord that will take place every Friday in June. It will envolve strategy and specially good coverage of the map. Good guesses while you wait!



Events awarding donator packages will also be hosted in our deathmatch server in June! Stay tuned and don't miss it! They will be specifically announced in the GW channels and forum boards.


... AND MORE?!

Stay up to date in the Forums and in our Discord for more unexpected surprises that may come out at any form, any moment of the day and award any surprise!

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22 minutes ago, Leonardo said:


Each year, the SAPD has to load off the drug stashes they collect throughout the year from the streets. Is this the time criminals take back what was once theirs?

ahh yes 

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I would suggest some discord events like Karaoke night or Joke night, It will be so funny I think, just admins need to control voices in that voice channel so we don't get earraped in middle of something. It will be fucking funny month! Respect to mappers and developers!

Edited by LakiButUnlucky
Making it better
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13 minutes ago, LakiButUnlucky said:

I would suggest some discord events like Karaoke night or Joke night, It will be so funny I think, just admins need to control voices in that voice channel so we don't get earraped in middle of something. It will be fucking funny month! Respect to mappers and developers!

Nah, don’t quote the whole fucking thread

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6 minutes ago, UNKNOWN said:

Make one event on 19 June, my birthday , Will be appreciated and will make my quarantine day!

I’d love to see that happening. Managers celebrated Tom Gambino’s birthday even set out an event for him that night, let’s see what Leonardo or Mathew got to say.

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2 hours ago, Irishman said:

I’d love to see that happening. Managers celebrated Tom Gambino’s birthday even set out an event for him that night, let’s see what Leonardo or Mathew got to say.

Tom gambino who is he?

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4 hours ago, Silvester_Aaron said:

reverse time and do it on feb 22, my birthday. i want to feel like im not useless for once! 

Inshallah we will, dont worry, we will make you feel like the best player of mudoo.


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4 hours ago, Silvester_Aaron said:

I was sarcastically saying that... to insult you lmao


So sad to see a guy that can't go without insulting somebody else for more than a day. What a pity, really.

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1 hour ago, Silvester_Aaron said:

what a pity your state doesnt exist 

snowflake gen4life 


just saying i didnt come here like this :) 

I am not here to argue with you. I don't care what you think about my country, just keep it out of the forum and especially from the birthday topic. 

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