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VIKING last won the day on January 19

VIKING had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 11/21/1994

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  1. he said 17,00,000 not 17 mil I know math is not his strong side ajajajajajajajaja

    V2 Changelog

    Allah loves you locmax, otherwise how would you do all of this
  3. Why did you leave this great community and server?! Shame on you!!!
  4. Same here yeah fuck you cheaters! oh wait I don't even play

    Drug transport

    LogMac unban this guy he acknowledges his wrongdoings and he feels ashamed. Let him enjoy the drug transport event. Ryan we love you

    Your profile pic sucks a lot of dicks, no offence 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Dizzy





      ok calm down or i take official 

    3. xan


      how about you take my nuts out of your mouth dizzy more like dizzy after getting hit in the head with a shawarma(thats an innuendo) lmao kid CALM DOWN OR I'LL TAKE AWAY YOUR WIFI "my dad is in the secret inelligence he can find your location :((((" DO IT KID IM FROM SISTAN AND BALUCHESTAN, IRANSHAHR, MARTYR ABBAS STREET HOUSE NUMBER 3844 COME AT ME IM WAITING ILL BEAT YOU and your dad little girl "hes in secret intelligence" THE ONLY THING HES INTELLIGENT ABOUT IS HOW MANY TIMES TO STROKE TO MAKE SOMEONE CUMMMM HE OESNT KNOW SHITTTTTT 💯



    4. xan
  7. Long story short guys what did happen, i am lazy 2 read all of this
  8. am wtf Join Vagos bro the best gang in the world
  9. Not realistic so no we have many dm features in game, -1 war thunder boyz
  10. I would like to have yard - Location Palomino Creek - Church Thanks
  11. Since i am roleplaying as Priest i would like to own this, int id 106 if possible or 46
  12. For Primary you have to use Black ops Ak47 Attachments: Muzzle: GRU Suppressor Barrel: 20" Spetsnaz RPK Barrel Optic: Axial Arms 3x Underbarrel: Spetsnaz Grip Ammunition: 45 Rnd Speed Mag Secondary Black ops RPG
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