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Honorable Ex Manager
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Dizzy last won the day on November 27 2022

Dizzy had the most liked content!

Community Positions

  • Honorable Ex Manager
  • MC Whitelisted

About Dizzy

  • Birthday 10/18/2003

Server accounts

  • [SA:MP] RP

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13,097 profile views

Dizzy's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Denied try again with ur main account and when u stop hacking
  2. Theres enough evidence beside that you are ban evading and have been banned previously on multiple accounts.
  3. ctnh is legit aimbot infinite nitro is also not allowed so how were u wrongfully banned?
  4. Forgiven by the person, you'll get another chance don't waste it
  5. Make sure it says path saved, when selecting the samp.exe
  6. Thank's for that option I'll take it then and hearby reject your ban appeal.
  7. Bogus lol ok then I believe your appeal is bogus too
  8. What about you ban evading trying out hacks? Tell me something about that
  9. No that is an current issue which most likely will be fixed soon. As soon as you have the + on one character it should remain, unless you obviously disconnect/close the launcher.
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