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Everything posted by FIFTHGEN

  1. Whose excited for Valrise Version 2 ?

    1. AMR


      Honestly not much. Too many changes at once... I don't know if it is a good idea. Changes should be done slowly and one by one, so it is easy for people to adapt and respond to the feedback accordingly. I might be wrong, let's see.



      I wanna see more opinions here so we can see what we are working with for the future.

  2. Interesting lets see how this goes!
  3. I can sense a positive light of energy coming my way.. i can see a wonderful month of May of happiness.

  4. Be humble, and never think you are better than anyone else…for dust you are and onto dust you shall return.

  5. No matter how high a bird fly they still got to come down & eat... Don't never think you better than someone because you are up!!!

    1. JohnB


      Exactly, arrogance leads you nowhere. 

  6. Trying to be smart to being outsmarted not a good look. That uno reverse card logic!

  7. Looking forward to a nice developed story!
  8. Appeal Denied. You were banned too many times. Your ban will not be lifted anytime soon.
  9. When someone you thought cared about you turns around and becomes a snake , what is this world coming to? Smh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AMR


      Remember, there are many snakes, many who treat you nicely on the face but backstab behind. But there are also people who genuinely care for you. You just need to have enough experience to identify them.


      "Love everyone but trust absolutely no one"


    3. Valox


      "You need to trust someone to be betrayed, I never did". 
                                                                                         - CPT. John Price (MW2)

    4. Marcus.
  10. Finally spring is approaching with warmer weather!

  11. People think just cause you’re not flashy like them, you’re missing out. No some of us just value other things. Remember you are not here in this world to impress anyone!

    1. Tom


      "The ones that give out the best advice are the ones that made the worst mistakes."

    2. AMR


      Can agree and disagree.

      Sometimes you should try out new things to have a different experience, and know the viewpoint of others. Thinking you're missing out is a totally normal thing. People want you to have the same experiences they have - so it seems kinda positive (unless they make fun of you, which is uncool)

  12. You speak up against wrongdoings and you’re labeled the bad person. Thats good; ill be the greatest bad person there is!

    1. Tom


      J. Cole once said "In this life ain't no happy endings. Only pure beginnings followed by years of sinnin' and fake repentance"

    2. AMR


      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

    3. Lopez


      Mom.... Mom I'm in pain. - XXXTENTACION. 

  13. Tired Thursday.

  14. A cold snowy day in NYC. Lets see how my day goes... ❄️

  15. Always learn to watch who you look up to, sometimes that person can turn around, & fuck you over for their enjoyment to make them feel good.

    1. AMR


      totally agree with you fren, this is why i trust none.

  16. March Madness in New York City. Crazy people everyday.

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