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SA:MP RP Leader
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Everything posted by Ben$on

  1. Sir "it was obvious" is not a valid reason which clearly was wrong today. He died by GSF on the other side, you saw NBA cars there you started sniping everyone you see at that area which is totally wrong. This time I will unban you since I managed to stop you on time from starting a DM fest but next time you have to make sure who you are shooting at
  2. Denied. If you wish to get unban, you may post a serious application
  3. Denied. If you wish to get unban, you may post a serious application
  4. Denied. If you wish to get unban, you may post a serious application
  5. You kept advertising more and more without learning. Even after I myself warned you about it
  6. You don't appear to be banned Username apomenidi
  7. I don't see you banned, or you provided wrong username
  8. Unbanned, do not repeat the stupid actions you did or you will be banned again.
  9. You are not banned or you provided the wrong username
  10. Unbanned, make sure you keep your account safe and not get it breached and spamming every server.
  11. Denied, you didn't learn from your first time. You just keep advertising over and over again.
  12. Seems like you have been very toxic. You are unbanned now. Remember to behave and talk with respect.
  13. Invalid username, post a new appeal with the updated username
  14. Invalid discord username, post a new appeal with the valid username
  15. And you thought sharing people pictures on discord is fun? denied
  16. Hello Rumen, Some people focused the spotlight on you for farming hours since months, so I decided to investigate it myself along with some staff members that I appointed to watch you when you login. I don't deny you play sometimes, for few minutes. I'm not talking about going AFK > getting auto kicked after 10 minutes > Login > AFK > kick > login > afk > kick ... and so on. You are right, the script handles this but doing it for 30-40mins a day is basically farming hours. I think you got bored of that way yourself so you started going AFK for 9 minutes, move around, go AFK for another 9 minutes and so on till you get the 30-40mins you want a day. I hope that answered your questions, yet I will reply to everything you said again by quoting you: Basically you are admitting farming hours, 7 8 minutes is 70 80 minutes.. Imagine more than an hour. Fact: The only time you played for 2 hours(max) was on 19/7 in last 365 days, so you are not supporting yourself with that info its just saying you go afk when you login and rejoin every time you get kicked in different words. I don't think Gambino is related since the investigation been taking time even when Gambino was a thing, same behavior I explained few times above. We do realize you joined a new group but that doesn't say anything, Gambino.. Gvardia.. doesn't matter which group you are part of but same behavior exist. You get kicked so you don't get more playtime from being AFK without tabbing, but you login again and again and again and again.. 2-3 kicks as average a day according to out logs. Atleast we both know you have been doing it, the problem is its not "sometimes", its almost everyday. If you want to count the time you drive around to pay tax and restock(which the only thing you do other than being afk) you will have max 5-10mins a day instead of 60 minutes. Ofcourse we appreciate you being part of the community, yes I know you have been never banned, but you have been punished for going AFK without tabbing out. Not talking about the thousands of auto AFK kick you have, but an actual punishment by staff members(Even that its older than 3 months you still didn't learn). We do appreciate our old players but we do not tolerate breaking the rules by anyone, old, new, staff, donator.. you all must obey the rules without any special treatment. If we wanted to take your stores we would have done it long ago when you started abusing the system. That is not related. Re-apply in 2 weeks of the appeal date and we will review it again. Try to not show yourself innocent and us as bad people in next appeal, that's not what appears on the videos of you moving a bit every 9 minutes at your home many days.
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