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About Massimo_Battipaglia

  • Birthday July 14

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  1. What is your in-game name? Adriano_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? ValiP When did you get banned? 12/08/2023 What is the ban reason? Dm ing and troll behaviour Personal comment I mean yes i punched some guy but we where all punching eachoter and abt the dm part where i accedently knifed somebody so this guy was running and i was trying to knife him i held my right click of mouse the whole time while knifing then he stopped and i accidenlty killed him after that i said im sorry gvae him money and he said no problem so i dont see the prob here [17:23:14] You have severely wounded LeTrell Oshea. [17:23:14] Santa Claus: {FFFFFF}Vito_Straccii (48) found the lost gift! [17:23:17] (( LeTrell Oshea: wtf )) [17:23:18] {7e7e7e}[Join]{B5B5B5} Dalton_Kavin (28) logged in to the server. [17:23:20] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: Oops [17:23:22] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: dint mean [17:23:23] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: rll [17:23:25] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sorry [17:23:29] You gave ,000 to LeTrell Oshea. [17:23:29] * Adriano Valenzuela hands over some money to LeTrell Oshea. [17:23:30] (( LeTrell Oshea: nigga adriano )) [17:23:31] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: SOrry [17:23:33] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: my bad [17:23:35] (( LeTrell Oshea: this fking sean )) [17:23:36] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: I dint mean to [17:23:39] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: missclcik [17:23:40] * Kevin Hulldor twists the ignition key of their Huntley to turn the engine on. [17:23:40] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: waort [17:23:42] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: wait [17:23:46] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: Ill call ems [17:23:48] You are calling 911 (service). [17:23:52] Emergency Services Operator says (phone): Hello, this is the 911, do you require PD or FD? [17:23:54] Adriano Valenzuela says (phone): PD [17:23:54] Emergency Services Operator says (phone): Describe your emergency for us, please. [17:24:01] Adriano Valenzuela says (phone): I MISSLCIKED AND KILLED [17:24:01] Emergency Services Operator says (phone): What is the location of the emergency? [17:24:07] Adriano Valenzuela says (phone): INFRONT OF LSPD IN LSCH [17:24:07] Emergency Services Operator says (phone): Okay, units will be dispatched to your location. [17:24:14] {7e7e7e}[Join]{B5B5B5} Jack_Gvardia (64) logged in to the server. [17:24:23] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: come [17:24:24] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: comet [17:24:24] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: comet [17:24:27] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: Ser [17:24:32] {7e7e7e}[Join]{B5B5B5} Ettore_Cattaneo (68) logged in to the server. [17:24:42] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:43] {7e7e7e}[Join]{B5B5B5} Zoro_Magaddino (70) logged in to the server. [17:24:43] {7e7e7e}[Join]{B5B5B5} Mika_Teresa (66) logged in to the server. [17:24:44] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:44] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:44] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:45] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:47] Adriano Valenzuela says [Puerto Rican accent]: sowy [17:24:50] (( LeTrell Oshea: Np baby ))
  2. What is your in-game name? Nasir_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? Larry When did you get banned? 10/13/2023 What is the ban reason? Temp Ban evading Kay-Hound Personal comment Larry u told me in discord ticket after my staff report was solved to who wrong jailed me for 10hours (Was a week after the “ban evading shenigans”) “Ur lucky I’m giving u a chance to reappeal on the first of December) if u don’t trust me check it out as I said I’m sorry and I want to ply with my friends again without doing stupid shit.
  3. What is your in-game name? Nasir_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? Larry When did you get banned? 10/13/2023 What is the ban reason? TEmp ban evading- Kay-Hound Personal comment I was told to appeal on the first of december.Yea im sorry for ban evading the temp ban and go on a troll spree and make 7 account in a hour i was frustaded after getting falsely ajailed for 10hours i tried to speak with the mod who was handling the sit but he kept ignoiring me.Im sorry and i wanna apologize to the staff member wich had to deal with my troll behaviour i just wanna get a last chance to play this server.
  4. Name:Nasir Comment:I rater have a inbred somali immigrant that u as governor
  5. What is your in-game name? Nasir_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? Larry_ozaak When did you get banned? 10/19/2023 What is the ban reason? Ban evading temp ban-Kay Hound Personal comment I got proved wrong of mass dm by @Kacper and yes i know my dumb decision on making a dozen of account to ban evade and trolling sorry i wanna apoligize to all the staff members i gave a headache i just wanna play with my friend again and this wont happpen agian @cavosavoskim asking for a lkast change i know im a idiot and coulvde handel it better. But since now the ajail got proven wrong can u pls unban me?
  6. What is your in-game name? Lorenzo_Sosa Which staff member banned you? Larry_ozaak When did you get banned? 07/10/1992 What is the ban reason? Pro Personal comment dont lack by a store millywop got beat by a 4x4
  7. What is your in-game name? Nasir_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? Larry_ozaak When did you get banned? 10/13/2023 What is the ban reason? Ban evading temp ban-Kay Hound Personal comment Alright ill say it was me BUT yall did me dirty First off a false ban by kacper who then forced me on vac and cac made staff report and he him self closed it (Helped ban doxxer) (or the time when the staff manager aka Locmax insulted me in /b and my family On his alt account) i tried talking to Eagle about the fact that Leaf was killed by a tar member and not me i dint look at him but i felt like i was speaking to a wall. Ye is take full responsabily and knew it was a dumb decision and yes my History isnt the cleanest ill admit it. @cavosavosk
  8. i was on mexico dm and tried logging in and saw my twemp ban deleted i made ticket and got banned
  9. What is your in-game name? Nasir_Valenzuela Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 10/13/2023 What is the ban reason? Ban evading temp ban-Kay Hound Personal comment What? ijoined the game ands saw my temp ban was fisnihsed idk how i made tickety abt it asking if its bugged and i got banned as ban evading idk who kay hound is
  10. Garden inside are u sure I’ll pay u 17mil contact me ig Adriano_Gvardia
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