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SA:MP RP Admin
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  • SA:MP RP Admin
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About .lost

  • Birthday 04/28/2006

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  • [SA:MP] RP
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. - Your in-game name and discord: Karl_Albrecht, .lostforgotten- What do you want, and why: Sultan & news chopper and 9million, i dont have much myself and i would like to keep it personal only to myself, never got a chance to make it big in v3 nor the fate ever let me do it- Your estimated networth?: Around 1million
  2. Name: Karl_Albrecht Requesting: House Alternate Entrance and Private Garage as there was one here before V3 in V2. Image:
  3. I added two images but only one showed up, here is the second picture.
  4. The location is perfect for a Yard front and backside.
  5. Name: Karl_Albrecht Requesting: Yard Image:
  6. Name: Sean Johnson Type: House Reason: There was a garage here before in V2 with Interior ID 4, since it's a suitable location i need it back. Image:
  7. IG Name: Karl Albrecht Bank Account: 1509 Any good lucks for future: GL with your Life
  8. Name - Sean Johnson Bank ID - 1509 Your Number - 667
  9. What is your in-game name? Masaki_Katsuro Which staff member banned you? Eduardo_Santos When did you get banned? 02/04/2022 What is the ban reason? Abusing admin commands mid sit. Personal comment Already Talked to Eduardo, I admit my mistake.
  10. In-game name: Sean_Johnson What do you need the office for?: For Roleplay Purposes and for business
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