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Everything posted by Bobken

  1. Name: Charles_McTavish Type: House Reason: i want to have to be able to furnish my yard. my house name is Polish Power located in idlewood, Los Santos Nr.263 Image:
  2. Bobken


    Close it.
  3. Bobken


    Las Payadas
  4. Sell house nr. 2 to me I will pay buyout.
  5. Bobken

    V2 Changelog

  6. Charles_McTavish Michaeles#4436
  7. What is your in-game name? Charles_McTavish Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hermandez When did you get banned? 12/10/2022 What is the ban reason? Cop hunting Personal comment I am very sorry for killing a police officer which resulted in breaking the server rules I got very carried away with my emotions as I was at that moment during the securicar robbery which was very important to me I would ask you to forgive me for my sins and let me walk on the server again.
  8. What is your in-game name? Charles_McTavish Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hermandez When did you get banned? 10/12/2022 What is the ban reason? Cop hunting Personal comment I am writing this ban appeal to request an unban and acknowledge my actions that led to my ban. I understand that the situation with the policeman was the reason for my ban. While I stand by my actions, I acknowledge that I broke the rules and I apologize for that. I miss playing with my friends and being a part of the gs9 community and I hope to be able to return to the game in the future. I promise to abide by the rules if given the opportunity to do so.
  9. Hi Kacper I've read what I've written and I'm able to conclude that you're bullshitting. After unban I had a total fuck up with this police I spit on them losing them in 5seconds I wasn't interested in any chases because kids cry when they can't catch me and that means mustwin problems. I was totally focussed on heists, nba sits and trafficking, and occasionally a sit-down with the police in which I had to help the gang members. i'll say it again, I don't give a fuck about those kids who cry because they can't catch me. And here we have a beautiful example of a kid crying on the forum to report me because he lost 1vs1 Everything was related to securicar heist and I got banned for a reason ic? Awesome.
  10. So, I found out that I got banned for taking part in the securicar heist. The plan I made for it was great, brilliant and creative but the PD has fucking messages that give the locations where I'm stealing gold bars, so the fact that I'm escaping in a van with a GS9 doesn't really matter. Under the bridge at the pier I prepared a boat which I used as a temporary escape, halfway through stealing the bars I saw the FBI (He was alone) coming towards me so I jumped in the boat and tried to escape he also got in the boat and was shooting from it, I killed him with the sniper rifle and wanted to kill him but the samp bug wouldn't let me, I shot probably 10 shots at him but by some miracle he was still alive and so I got banned for trying to do a securicar heist. selfclaimed by Zac "Cophunting" Great server, good administration, great people. Summary: I was banned for wanting to get rid of the only witness, the rest wouldn't even know who they were dealing with. Since I carried out an armed robbery at the securicar for my own benefit, the police should know that this is no game for children but a fight for life and death. So when the police can't win they will try every fucking opportunity to get at you even when it doesn't make much sense as in this case. And that's not the worst of it, because here it is the fault of the administration for accepting such behavior.
  11. What is your in-game name? Charles_McTavish Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hermandez When did you get banned? 12/10/2022 What is the ban reason? Cop hunting Personal comment I Want to see a complaint in which I allegedly committed a violation of the rules and regulations "cophunting"
  12. What is your in-game name? Charles_McTavish Which staff member banned you? Eduard_Reiner When did you get banned? 11/27/2022 What is the ban reason? Cop hunting Personal comment Hi I would like to appeal against the ban given to me on the server by admin Eduard Reiner. However, I feel that the punishment in the form of a ban is too harsh as this is probably my first offence for this act, nevertheless I broke the rules unintentionally, I have no idea when and don't want to know. I would just like to apologise for breaking the rules and ask for an unban.
  13. Name: Charles_McTavish Level:21 Discord tag: Michaeles#4436
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