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P4R4D0X last won the day on February 1

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About P4R4D0X

  • Birthday October 10

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  1. Name: Alternate exit/entrance Type: House Reason: I was wondering would it be possible to have an alternate entrance/exit set for my house. The house is in ELS, GPS 2199. It has a main entrance (see in the picture) on the upper level, and I think the alternative entrance could be at the bottom level, just below the main. The house also has the Madd Dogg house interior, and we all know that it has 2 entrances (even in story mode), so I think RP wise it would make total sense and be realistic. I just wasn't 100% sure if this can be done for a private house, and If it can, would it cost anything and how much? Image:
  2. What is your in-game name? Lequan_Duckworth Which staff member banned you? Dizzy When did you get banned? 07/25/2023 What is the ban reason? Anti AFK script Personal comment I already explained my actions in the previous appeal and was told to appeal again in a week. I'm just trying to get back in game and sell my assets before I leave the server.
  3. What is your in-game name? Lequan_Duckworth Which staff member banned you? Dizzy I think When did you get banned? 07/25/2023 What is the ban reason? Anti AFK script Personal comment There was no script, I simply put a thing on my keyboard to move the character, but whatever, its practically the same thing. (Just wanted to say, that I don't and never have used any illegal mods and scripts) I have legit no time to play but I need to sell my Turismo cause I don't want to lose it for nothing to taxes. I don't know why I'm not allowed to sell the car while I have taxes on it, just simply remove the tax money from the money I receive selling but ok. I need to get the necessary amount of hours playtime to sell it and I don't have time to sit and play, neither do I want to. That's my excuse for this. I would appreciate an unban so I can sell all my assets and I was practically leaving the server for now anyways. I know what I did isn't allowed, but it doesn't harm anyone, and the way the script is set up is just dumb in my opinion, so I did what I did to be able to sell my car. If I get unbanned I promise I will get the remaining playtime hours by actually playing, and after I sell everything I won't be playing on the server after that anyways. If you look at my my punishment history, it is very clean, I've never been banned and have only gotten about 4-5 warnings/ajails over the course of more than 2 years while playing this server so I believe I deserve an unban.
  4. Message me on discord DOC#4428
  5. 1. East Los Santos property with Madd Dogg interior Value: 552k Buyout: 250k 2. El Corona house with single player garage (non-interior) SOLD Value: 190k Buyout: 210k
  6. Message me on discord, DOC#4428
  7. Got one, this can be archieved.
  8. Not selling that anymore. I thought I had to sell it but I don't and I've had it forever so I'd rather keep it.
  9. Premier sold, not selling the Phoenix. Still buying a Turismo.
  10. 2.8 mil It has a custom "3KHP" plate btw
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