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Everything posted by Tanzidur

  1. because he is not a real bidder, he is a friend
  2. Blueberry farm - $5,500,000 Whetstone farm - $3,000,000 Fixed rents Discord - Tanzidur#1011 You can contact me for details and how it works.
  3. Part 1: The New City Following his cousin's advice, Tanzidur arrived in Los Santos in March, 2020. His cousins Joseph and Zoro had rented a room at the Idlewood motel and had been living there for a month. There was not enough time to know about the city, Tanzidur jumped straight into the illegal activities. He had come to make money and his cousins taught him to make drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. The cops were on high alert that day as gang wars increased at Idlewood and Ganton. Luck didn't favor at his first week, Tanzidur got caught by the police while cooking meth. As they were heading back to LSPD with the suspect, a black sultan with 3x occupied people with the surname _Gambino came and opened fire at the vehicle. The cops were dead inside the car and just then a guy name Scar_Gambino shouted from the sultan "GET IN". They took him to a big headquarters and uncuffed him. Tanzidur already knew that he was picked up by the biggest mafia in the city at that time "THE GAMBINO FAMILY". With the ongoing war between groups like The Gambino Family, The Balkan Brotherhood, and Central Side Crew, the city wasn't a place to show mercy at all. It's a known fact that you don't get to choose a mafia for joining, the mafia chooses you. Scar along with his other mates was already aware of the new drug makers in the town. Tanzidur was offered to produce and sell drugs to The Gambino Family which he couldn't refuse. Tanzidur owed his life to The Gambinos and so he decide to work for them. Until one day, he was called again by the leaders of the family - Ned Gambino and Thomas Gambino. They offered him a more convenient job but with a risk. Tanzidur had to truck for their warehouse now, picking metals and fabrics from locations and avoiding getting checked at the tolls and random traffic stops. Tanzidur knew his way around the city by now and completed the task. The Gambino Family leaders were ready to offer him a position in the family after he had proven himself. Starting as a street mobster, Tanzidur started learning slowly about all the mafias and the gangs in Los Santos. Tanzidur still had to meet two leaders of the Gambino family which he only heard about but never met - "Ed Gambino" and "Staz Gambino". There was a meeting called at the headquarters one day where he was excited to see all the leaders in one place. [More parts to be added]
  4. shut up you won't sell if I offer 14m right now so I will stick with my offer.
  5. It will stay as a dream to own an infernus then
  6. Should have updated here. Could have offered upto 10m. Next time dont be braindead
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