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SA:MP RP Trial Manager
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Everything posted by Tanzidur

  1. Your friend has been unbanned. Wait for glass to reply on this appeal
  2. Tanzidur


    Invalid, you sent to private bank id 1. Read the instructions for once and also don't forget server rules.
  3. Check your game files. Its better to come out clean than making up stories. Denied
  4. Denied, take some more time to think what you did wrong. You didnt only rulebreak but you also challenged staff that you will ban evade. Appeal again after 2 weeks.
  5. Same as your friend Martin. We don't ban for sprinthook - make a better story.
  6. We don't ban for sprinthook; your ban was for other illegal modifications. Be honest—making up stories won't help you. DENIED
  7. send to group bank id 1, thats private id 1
  8. I just bought one from dealership
  9. You can get brand new for 7m from dealership.
  10. Accepted for 140k in game and any suitable "County House" interior.
  11. Accepted for 2M, contact a property admin in game.
  12. You created a new account after you got banned in your account "Mozi_Raheel". That's what it means.
  13. Unbanned with 50% wipe and forced on vac. Download vac from here - Valrise Gaming
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