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Honorable Ex Staff Member
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Everything posted by Queen

  1. Hey there! A week passed, try to follow server rules please, consider this as a lesson to stop rule breaking! Here is a link for current server rules here Use account name: Ahmed_Bzaza to log in Unbanned.
  2. Hey there, After reviewing this appeal, and considering it's your first time, we've decided to give you a chance once more and forever about this part. This also includes your punishment history, so try not to get punished and follow server rules accordingly. You'll be unbanned. Regards, Administration
  3. Hey there! After a review of the appeal, we've decided to give you a chance once more, this is your second ban, your chances of getting unbanned next ban are reaching zero. So kindly follow the server rules, and take others in Staff team as example to execute stuff, ask before performing actions so you know what to do. You'll be unbanned. Regards, Administration
  4. Hey there, Unfortunately, this appeal will be denied for the following; Violating the appeal rules: bumping. Denied.
  5. Hey there! We decided to give you a chance. Your account will be forced on cac(client anti cheat) in order to be able to play, more information on how to install it here; https://valrisegaming.com/cac
  6. Unbanned.Apologises for the misunderstaindg!Have a nice day, you may continue your adventure!
  7. Hey there, We've acknowledged this appeal, we'll be reviewing it in the upcoming days. Be patient & don't attempt to violate the appeal rules as stated above in the instructions. Regards, Administration.
  8. Hey there! We've acknowledged the appeal and we are willing to give you a chance to play again, consider this as a lesson to not break the rules again. A review date will be set for 3 days from today (08/02/2022 - 11/02/2022). In main time be patient and follow the instructions listed above. Regards, Administrations
  9. Hey there, We've acknowledged your appeal, we'll be reviewing it to confirm the validation of it. Kindly name the in-game name and/or discord ID of your friend who invited you to our Community. In main time, do please remain patient and follow the instructions given above this reply. I hope you have a nice day!
  10. Hey there, We've acknowledged this appeal, consider being patient until we review your issue. In main time do not violate any of the instructions given to you, but follow it.
  11. Hey there! We'll review this and let you know about any updates. In main time, be patient and follow the appeal's rules.
  12. @AnthonyS Consider taking a look at this please.
  13. Hey there! It appears that we've not heard anything from you, and your answer was not posted as requested, thereby this appeal is denied for the following; Lack of interest Consider making a new one when you have interest in getting unbanned. Regards, Administration
  14. Hey there again! We've decided to put this appeal for a review date of 8 weeks equal to two months from today. Date set from 08/02/2022 - 08/04/2022. We'll be reviewing this appeal after the mentioned date over as of the ban consequences: 3rd ban 80% networth removal Review 8 weeks Networth removal applicable regardless of ban reason Be patient and follow the appeal's rules, any violation of the appeal rules will lead to a denial with inability to re-apply again until next 6 months. Regards, Administration
  15. Hey there! We've reviewed your appeal and we are willing to give you a chance once again, we will be setting this appeal for a review date of a week. In main time, follow the appeal rules and stay out of trouble. Wish you a nice day. Regards, Administration.
  16. Hey again, I'm kindly asking you again to remain patient, no bumping of the appeal or asking for updates else I'll deny it. Remain patient, that's the only key for now to get unbanned. Have a nice day!
  17. Hey there, We've acknowledged your appeal, kindly be patient until we have any updates for it.
  18. Hey there, How about you stay quiet until the banning admin have a final word or review regard your ban. Misbehaving in appeals is going to change roots for your chances of being unbanned asap.. Kindly be patient, there's people with 3 months review date or so. No more bumping of this appeal else I'll deny it myself. If you believe the admin has misused his powers there's a section for such reports instead of speaking shit about them, here's a link for the said section: https://forum.valrisegaming.com/index.php?/forms/13-samp-rp-report-a-staff-member/
  19. Hello Zak, After reviewing your appeal and as per the ban consequences, and considering the following facts; Third ban in record Second ban for hacking. You'll be given an 8 weeks review date regardless of the ban's date. Any attempt to EVADE THE BAN again during this period, we will deny this appeal with the inability to re-apply for a year from the denial date. I hope you are understand and agree to these conditions in order to proceed with unbanning you. So kindly, give us your call. Expecting an answer in the next 72 hours.
  20. Valrise GamingHello there,We've acknowledged your appeal and we're looking forward for your cooperation, please be patient while we review your request.In main time, do not violate the appeal rules else we'll deny this request for period of '3 months'.Regards,Administration of SA-MP Valrise Roleplay.
  21. Valrise Gaming Hello there, We've acknowledged your unban appeal and we're looking forward for your cooperation, please be patient while we review your request. In main time, do not violate the unban appeal rules else we'll deny this request for period of '3 months'. Regards, Administration of SA-MP Valrise Roleplay.
  22. Valrise Gaming Hello there, Thank you for your patience and co-operation, we've considered your agreement as stated above and we are happy to tell you that you've been UNBANNED and now you can go in-game and resume your adventure. However, you must understand that this should be your last ban ever, do please follow the server rules. Server rules can be found on this page on our forum. Regards, Administration of SA-MP Valrise Roleplay Server.
  23. Hello there! We've received your appeal. Be patient whilst we review it. In main time, abide by the unban appeal rules.
  24. Hello there! After reviewing the appeal, you've been given a chance for sure as of this is your first time to be banned. Keep in mind that you won't be tolerated about it again, follow the rules! Unbanned
  25. Considered the facts stated above You'll be monitored so keep in mind that any attempt to change/mask identity will lead to a full-ban. Unbanned.
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