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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello dear players, In the last weeks, we have been looking into various issues in the server, stretching from various issues in regards to staff, which is about misuse of admin powers for personal or administratively unrelated matters, and lack of proper investigations for reports, only listening to one side's story or not completely investigating the true facts of a situation, its background and context, and the issues related to the San Andreas Police Department, which is about hostile behavior towards new players (volunteers), abuse and disrespectful attitude from senior ranked members in SAPD towards others or each other, and wrongful use of their scripted abilities (such as taking away licenses) and issuing suspensions based on non-roleplay information or information obtained through admin powers. Lastly, there's a clear and massive amount of false reporting going on, by players who report every time they lose a situation, even if they instigated the situation, and were the ones actually at fault. So, we're going to address some of these issues here and state what we're planning to do to handle these issues. #1 - Administration Team We've recently made a topic with about 22 staff rules which all staff members must follow, previously we relied on guideline topics which contained essays of text and instructions, which obviously, was too much for young people to read and understand, it's a fact very rarely somebody bothers reading anything big like a guideline. So, we took time to establish a simple and plain topic containing rules, simplified and straightforward. The rules among other things, state that taking tickets is absolute priority in all instances except in a shootout or a scenario where direct absence of the staff member would disrupt that scenario. The rules also state that admin must treat everybody fairly and equally, may not give special treatment to their friends or allies, and must objectively and meticulously handle situations, taking in account both side's stories, and take action when only certain of wrongdoing by either side. What we also observed, for a long time, is that helpers would give out brief and half-ass answers to new players. We cannot have that, helpers have the simple and very straightforward job of guiding new players and giving them necessary support to start up and be able to play. We require helpers to provide detailed answers and guides to new players, do their best to show the new players our features and all the possibilities and opportunities players can take and make use of to settle and get something going for themselves. #2 - Law Enforcement Factions (SAPD / FBI) Yes, nobody here claims the law enforcement factions are perfect and flawless, neither that they're always innocent and much better than the criminal side. We see a ton of mistakes and errors coming from the members of the law enforcement factions. From abuse, to power tripping attitudes, to lack of cooperation and team-working environment, to mistreating new players and volunteers, to misuse of given script abilities such as revoking licenses for 7 days which was never meant to be done for such a period, and so on and on. It's a fact that no faction is perfect and flawless. What we chose to do is to firstly issue a dire warning which you can read by clicking here, and in that warning we specified what we want to see changed, to prioritize roleplay, team working environment, less inactivity by senior staff, more field leadership, and respect towards new players and volunteers. Law enforcement factions are official server factions, for example SAPD, it's a job, a lot of new players head to that job because it's action packed and interesting. It doesn't make much money, but it gives entertaining gameplay. Consequently, it also must be regulated and properly managed, so that abuse, misuse and power it gives does not get used in the ways it was being used in recent times. Law enforcement faction members must be role models for everyone considering they're an official faction of the server, and must prioritize roleplay. But the fact here also is, is that for police members to roleplay, they need criminals to roleplay as well. Don't turn every traffic stop into evasion and a shootout. Don't call backup for getting fined for speeding. Take the damn ticket and pay it. Not every situation has to end up being a bloodbath. Not every situation needs to have a shootout and deaths. Get over that kind of shit. (and in my personal opinion, SAPD is a dead end street, just a day after our topic on their forum, they already continued the normal path of absurdity) #3 - False reporting It's time we begin issuing server punishments for false reporting. If you're the one who instigated a situation, if you're the one who was at fault, or you're only reporting because you lost in the scenario, whereas nothing was wrongly done and no rulebreak occurred - you will be warned for false reporting, and continuation of false reporting will result in harsher and harsher punishments. Admins cannot afford to handle a flood of tickets in every damn situation in the server, because people cannot cope losing a scenario. Get over it. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. You can't always win. If you lose, suck it up and carry on. If you win, good job. Don't make reports just because you lost, or because you hate the person who is interacting with you, or for random petty reasons not worth wasting admin's time fo.r If admins weren't flooded with so many useless tickets, then they would have more time to properly investigate real reports, against hackers, and serious rulebreakers. #4 - Reports requiring facts and evidence A lot of tickets are made and contain two-sided stories. One side vs other side. Conflicting descriptions of what happened and the admin cannot find what's truthful on the spot. Such reports will be redirected to be filed on the forum. We cannot end up spending 30 minutes handling a ticket in-game of two sides with different stories and conflicting information. Such tickets require log check, investigation and fact obtaining. It's in nobody's interest to get falsely punished based on somebody's wrongful interpretation of situation or wrongful storytelling. Therefore, if an admin tells you to file a report on forum, don't get pissy and triggered, it's done to prevent false punishing and confusion. It's done to ensure that facts get taken out from logs and our tools, and ensure that the right rulebreaker gets the right punishment, and not an innocent person getting punished due to somebody's lying. #5 - General server environment Yeah, there's been a lot of toxicity going on in the server, for a while now. We need to put an end to constant shit storms, conspiracy plotting, mistreating new players, insulting new players, acting like a bunch of cavemen with no manners and so on. If anybody is contributing to spread of toxicity in the community or its servers, by either misbehaving continuously for no apparent reason, spreading conspiracies against community members, staff team, or management team, or is continuously bashing the community or its servers, that person will be removed swiftly and anybody along with that person who aided in such activities and helped spread such behavior. This community was established nearly three years ago as a place where there was supposed to be no hostility, toxicity, where you could easily get into contact with server management and staff team, without waiting for a year for a reply, hunting for non-existent owners, and so on. Of course, not everything we've done in management or staff team was perfect and rightful, there were mistakes and errors over the course of years, but in the end, we always strive to be open, approachable., reachable and ready to resolve any issues you might be facing, and improve the servers and the community so everybody can feel comfortable being here, playing and having a fun time. Conclusion We apologize for the experience which seems to be rather unpleasant in recent times, with all the above mentioned issues and some more which are not included in this thread. We acknowledge the existence of these issues and are looking for solutions to address them and make the gameplay better for all sides. We already started multiple processes to get these issues addressed, from reforming group council, to revamping some server rules, community rules and finally creating staff rules and beginning to more strictly enforce the staff rules with fewer verbal warnings and more dire punishments depending on the situation and severity of it.
    2 points
  2. SAPD on this server became a big disaster. In my opinion, every civilian that wants to become a cop should be tested by some higher SAPD ranks so they can let him in if he pass the test. If it remains like this, so that everyone can become a cop it would not be any better in the near future. While I participated in several shootouts, almost every time some of the freecops return after death. Results after that? Lost the shootout because of the returners, getting my license revoked, my inventory seized. Revoking license is one of the most bullshit things around here. I don't see why it is added on a light role-play server. And of course the most annoying of all and that should be changed is the administration team.The faster you do it, the better for the whole community. I don't see how the admins are treating everyone equally and fairly. Like this for example, I don't see why any of the admins cannot be dealing with their own members? I mean it makes no sense. Even if some are doing it, it goes only with a "verbal" warning which have no results at all for most of the players.
    2 points
  3. finally. I would and everyone else would enjoy roleplaying policing if the criminals weren't always looking for a bloodbath. Also do something about the volunteers and either remove them or give them armour when going onduty and a tazer. It is unfair that troopers and + can lay around with tons of inactivity going off every 30 mins for "paperwork" and then coming back to continue afking and or messing with their friends for 785 minutes and then go off and say job well done and then never get punished but the volunteers dont get armour no no no they have to ask for it. Just because people are active in PD or FD (its not FMD, EMS is a division inside FD in both IRL San francisco, Los Angeles and so on) doesnt equal that they deserve promotions. i dont see how players that cant spell Johnson, the easiest last name properly and getting accepted into PD is acceptable. grammar matters, RP skills matter and behaviour matters. For you I might be a toxic little 12/13 year old but i can be serious if i need to and i want to and i can take things more seriously than an adult sometimes, others have admitted that sometimes these "kids" like me and other players on other server around my age can take shit more seriously than adults. And sadly this is not true in mudoo. THERE ISN'T A SINGLE COMMAND STAFF OR AN ASSISTANT/DEPUTY CHIEF IN PD HOW DOES A LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATION HAVE ONE LEADER? That's why SAPD is crippling its low on dedicated members and people rather keep 4 otherwise ex-chiefs "Command Advisors" just lay around and observe. LEts make a clear statement here What SAPD needs: More active players Competent players that devote themselves to policing and have proper english and behavioural skills. More active leadership and make it able so that retired command staff or ex chiefs may be able to reapply after a period has passed before able to reinstate atleast as a supervisor staff and make their way up again instead of forgetting them and letting them dust in "Command Advisor" position for ages. Volunteers removed and new community suggested jobs placed that feature atleast some of the same fun that SAPD has. An OFFICIAL group should never have a volunteer system. If you really wanna keep the volunteer system, make them apply from volunteer but with SLIGHTLY REDUCED competition. But they still must have:proper english and behaviour and good RP knowledge. A system implemented that requires Trooper (+) to be active or else he/she faces demotion/dishonourable discharge like so: Weekly playtime must reach atleast:14-unlimited hours Daily playtime must reach atleast:3-unlimited hours What the STAFF team needs: Competent staff that devote theirselves to helping their community Stricter enforcement of rules and overall stricter staff What the COMMUNITY needs: More jobs paying better such as:bus driver, train driver or other activities that are atleast slightly more interesting than volunteer duty or criminal life I don't see how the triads or the bloods could ever become official or are official (im not sure) Criminal group control is much needed, sort out the ones that hang at GS9 and do nothing and the ones that RP and interact properly and their activity isnt just forum screenshots and the ones whos "active members" are just going on rampages 24/7 The criminal groups should be limited or more controlled of their actions and their statuses in some way and this 24/7 "Cops and Robbers" type of gameplay that is currently going on in the server needs to stop. How should they be limited or controlled you ask?: Criminalistics could be even just so slightly brought down if jailtimes and each kind of crimes would get their own jailtimes. If a person commiting atleast 2 counts of murder, has explosive devices marked money and heavy weaponry on them and also evaded which is the normal charges they should be imprisoned for ATLEAST 30 minutes or higher considering this is STILL AND WILL ALWAYS BE A MEDIUM ROLEPLAY SERVER NOT LOW OR WHATEVER NOT HARD EITHER MEDIUM NOT TOO EASY GOING BUT NOT TOO HARSH LIKE HARD RP SERVERS EITHER. HOW HARD IS IT TO GET IT ALL OF YOU GUYS MY AGE WITH BAD GRAMMAR ITS A MEDIUM RP JUST BECAUSE YOUR CHARACTER IS A HARDENED COLD BLOODED KILLER DOESNT MEAN THEY DONT FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES. Fear RP should be enforced. A UCP System that sorts out the ones who know proper english and know how to properly rp and want to and the ones who dont meet the requirements and therefore should not be let in so that they dont create the 169th gang/mafia that no one cares about.
    2 points
  4. What is your in-game name? Mikal_Thundercock Which staff member banned you? Some nobody (Dizzy?) When did you get banned? 04/20/20 What is the ban reason? Using inappropriate signs on clithings while being warned not to, trolling Personal comment @LocMax Please can you review and confirm Dizzy's decision as he is clearly incapable of being fair and unbiased under the circumstances of my ban (given how he speaks to other community members). Since you have seen me wearing this in-game and had no problem with it, it doesn't make sense that Dizzy is being so anal, especially when he has said worse things.
    1 point
  5. It would be stupid to do that again otherwise why would I make a ban appeal if I'm planning to get banned again lol
    1 point
  6. I was banned for the Swastika clothing, and taking into account what you said in another post: There's no doubt in my mind that you feel it isn't an issue, I gather you yourself have seen me in-game with it whilst playing with other management the past few days and none of you saw fit to tell me off about it then, and as soon as I posted this quote you swiftly changed the reason of my ban to my attitude and 2 other rules, now all you want to hear from me is "Oh yes sir, very sorry sir I will follow rule number 5 sir" - Well apart from that you're not going to hear it, if an admin makes a dumb fucking decision, it shouldn't be final, it's a badly written rule and that's all I'm going to say about it. I 100% agree with your quote, if the word "nigger" can be seen as banter, so can wearing some stupid looking /clothing, just as running around as a German shouting "heil Hitler" can.
    1 point
  7. Never did I try to imply that it was realistic, because it isn't, it looks fucking stupid and that was my intention for the soul purpose of banter, just as every player apart from Dizzy took it. My intentions were not provoking at all, how many times do I have to tell you that not one person has complained about it? Literally everyone has laughed, you say I was an ass because I didn't like "something", yes I will be an ass when an admin comes across as being on a powertrip to me, especially when management have seen that something and not found it inappropriate and then some admin comes along essentially threatening to ban me over that same thing, because bans really do not bother me, an admins really do not threaten me, I have other things to do in my spare time, Mudoo is just one other thing I could be doing should I feel like it. As for you saying it isn't necessarily about the swastika, I see that it is because that's what I got banned for, and as for being banned for that, I refer to your quote that I quoted before your reply. Dizzy should follow that, alot of Mudoo's players say and do alot worse, Dizzy himself is ok throwing nazi jokes around and saying "nigger" like it's nothing, so how can be judge me for my /clothing? It's fucking hypocritical is what it is. As for the rules - 01 - How have I broken this? If you're trying to say I disrespected Dizzy, that swings both ways, he disrespected me by impeding himself on my freedom in what I saw as a powertrip, and I responded. - 05 - This is a pretty fucking dumb rule if you ask me, considering how often Mudoo's administration fucks up, I've only been here a couple weeks and the amount of shit I've seen is pathetic, saying that everybody makes mistakes doesn't even cut it, and also, considering that management had seen me in-game wearing the /clothing that I was and decided not to do anything or to tell me to remove it, is that not a decision which could be considered final? As I had said to Dizzy - No other part or member of administration/management had any issues with it.
    1 point
  8. "We are a community in the now and are not living based on meanings from lots of years ago. While it is good to remember the past, it does not mean we are living in the past." - Mikro 19/04/2020
    1 point
  9. You rped mourning for a knocked guy? You know people actually mourn when people die, not when they're knocked. Plus when you were being rped dragging you follow it, simple as that- your rp was this "/me resists" when 2 cops were dragging you. Not once, not twice but thrice. Plus you were banned based on your poor history, I honestly didn't know you were unbanned today otherwise I would've gone for a different approach of punishment. Please try not to repeat such things when you are clearly outnumbered. You will be unbanned tomorrow.
    1 point
  10. Everything I say is with pure jest, as is the clothing I was wearing, you say I wore it to provoke people however every single person that has seen me wearing it has responded with "LOL" - To be offended by a swastika in 2020 given the state of the internet as a whole would be a bit over-dramatic, and that is how I view Dizzy's reaction, as I said, other people, other admins, managers, owners, have seen it, and nobody has any issue but Dizzy, why? - I won't let someone being anal get in the way of mine or anyone else's fun, as I said he's the only one who's objected to it, everyone else has found it funny, plus it's not like I walk round with it on all day trying to bait anyone (as I said nobody gets offended by it), just trying to create some humour whilst the server is quiet.
    1 point
  11. I'm confident this will all be resolved - because the owners care about it and want to make it right. Can't say fairer than that.
    1 point
  12. biggest present fucking issue is silvester arun
    1 point
  13. I'm grateful to see your address for all these server related issues. This is an important time when we really need to focus on experiences of our new members so to build a friendly environment. I would really appreciated if you could find time to analyse issues with SAFMD and so the current command staff could take measures to fix it. The San Andreas Fire & Medical Department is continually trying to improve RP, opportunities and fun among members. We're happy that volunteers (new members) are helped with complete dedication by current official members.
    1 point
  14. Being dice banned, you're unable to fulfil your urge to scam so you start using other players for the purpose. You used Johnscotto_Verrios to scam Ali_Muhammad's weed house. You won that bet and everything went well for you. If you had lost, you'd be banned at that time.This time you attempted to do the same time but Jaat_Eira lost the bet against Silvester_Gambino. This was your PM to Jaat: "/PM 4(Silvester) I have 2, one LS one SF". You were telling him to lie about the weed houses, he never had any weed house. So, it is clear that you share half of the blame with Jaat for this scam attempt, if not all. After he lost the bet, you abandoned him entirely. You are banned twice for casino scams & lying to administration and warned once for "helping to avoid dice ban" in the past. Just for your information, Jaat is banned aswell and your weed house has been confiscated. To be reevaluated on April 25th. Do not ban evade till then.
    1 point
  15. What is your in-game name? Mikal_Thundercock Which staff member banned you? Some nobody (Dizzy?) When did you get banned? 04/20/20 What is the ban reason? Using inappropriate signs on clithings while being warned not to, trolling Personal comment So many many admins have seen my /clothing like that, none of them had any issues, Matthew Carter seen it, no issues, nobody said anything until Dizzy, After I took it off he sat there spectating me just waiting for me to put it back on, what a fucking no life, regardless, who is he to dictate how I use /clothing, when he talks to other members of the community like this?: After seeing that he acts this way, it only makes sense that such a hypocrite does not deal with my unban request, especially since my ban was done on personal grounds (he sat there spectating me and is a self confessed nazi), so why would he have a problem with it?
    0 points
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