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[POLITICS] Marko's blog - Property taxation

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Marko's blog - Property taxation

Welcome again to Marko's talks. On today's episode, we have taxation. I was recently going through my incomes and outcomes as I do once in a while, and apart from my daily expenses (and huuge outcomes for my business) I noticed that something was a bit odd. Well... you might say, how could you mock about something this petty? Why are something as small as taxes bother you?

Well, I run a business and have a lot of people with whom I am keeping contact. That means I get to know wealthy businessmen and, that's important, ordinary people. And what makes up for the majority in our society? Yes, the ordinary people...

An ordinary person, which earns his money the hard way, would welcome the goverment, for which he/she voted, to give something in return. Yes of course there are many project which our goverment does, and many times it indeed benefits people. But why did goverment forget about announcing even slight changes to taxes?


As the graph above shows, taxes on house properties were changing a bit during recent months. I contacted few people who own various properties both in and out of Los Santos region. Bear in mind that these values are averaged, and are not 1 on 1 copy on what you should expect on your property. Tax prices inside Los Santos, that's where my main residence is, went quite up. You might say it like 3/4 of a percent it doesnt make sense? Well, if you scale it up, it becomes a bit noticeable. On the other hand, anything outside LS region went a bit down with the tax.

Eventhough taxes are not as noticeable in the monthly cashflow which we, as people living this state, have to pay I still have to ask two questions... Why aren't people aware of such changes? There is not just Governor and Vice Governor. There are plenty of other people, different state secretaries regarding different fields, press secretaries etc. And these people are paid from taxes! Why aren't they fulfilling their duties? Another question, why, up until recently, was taxation inside Los Santos, the most populated city in our state, higher than outside of it? We may blame previous goverment for this matter, and we can be thankfull about this small change, but still... Its weird that change was made just few months back.

Once I get more data, I might look into business properties aswell, or maybe get more data about houses, to make it much more precise.  What will be the next move by goverment? What "unannounced" changes can we expect?

Edited by cavosavosk (Marko)
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13 minutes ago, dellpacker said:

the governemnt is stealling from the poor

syria refugees GIF by Univision Noticias


they took away all my sultans and 24/7s and now i have to commute to bone county desert to eat sand so i can survive

as they should!!! let jews starve to death 

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