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Everything posted by 'Wes

  1. Your blarring arrogance and unwillingness to cooperate after you were given an option was quiet frankly disgusting. Nevertheless this is your first ban i will unban you, collect yourself and get your attitude sorted.
  2. Your intelligence is reflected in the fact that you tried to ban evade and multiaccounted. Regardless i will unban you
  3. Trump will institute a full on war in Iran, just to win the 2020 elections

    1. Beric Gambino

      Beric Gambino

      It won't be the first time someone starts a war to win elections, however this time it'll backfire and he might lose.

    2. 'Wes


      Bush tried it 2003 anf it back fired 

    3. Beric Gambino

      Beric Gambino

      Ye, the thing is no matter how many scandals Trump is involved in, he has some serious amount of supporters. The guy is a businessman, not a politician. He has no morals and what he did is a prime example.

  4. Your still new please correct your attitude and adhere to server rules. Unbanned
  5. As per the guide you will be unbanned in 2 weeks and have 40% of wealth removed
  6. Ironic that we are here, anyway what do you have say for yourself
  7. I will unban you since this is your 1st offence. Let me make this crystal clear to you, if you so much as continue that kind of behaviour and disregard server rules i wont hesitate to act.
  8. You will wait, if you kerp bothering tge community manager. I will simply deny this
  9. well well well......................... life is funny isn't it? do you recall this remark? "You cant unban me, cuz Sam banned me, btw how? You said im remorseful, soo, i dont have attitude, selfdefence, if you know what that means, you can unban me, or you can ignore me, i just dont want to talk with you anymore, btw, Carlos said you are the worst admin, do what you want or do what you have to do, you can unban me or ignore me, its your choice, Goodluck Weston... "
  10. Alright i was considering unbanning you since your relatively new but with that kind of attitude. Retry when you have corrected your attitude.
  11. If no response in 24hrs then I'll have to close this
  12. Explain 1. why you were banned 2. Why did you ban evade 3. What would change
  13. You can continue the arrogance or you can actually show your remorseful
  14. Nah you're not promising shit not after your arrogant stunt and rant yesterday. After killing a newbiewho was clearly frozen and drilling 4 bullets into him, then you go on to rage on public chat insulting everyone including myself. You arent remorseful notone bit
  15. These objects such as the plants are embeded inti the servermap to which developers like Locmax can onlyremove. Even then he won't remove them if he deems it unnecessary.
  16. If this is in SF judging by the picture hpw are you guaranteed to make any profit from it? We have tonnes of abandoned businesses server wide so how's this gonna be any different
  17. Can you be more articulate and cogent in your statement. It makes no sense
  18. IFi unban you, do you agree to removing this mod
  19. What was you're accounts first name?
  20. Nah you got 5 full bans, 4 warnings and 2 temp bans. At this point you've demonstrated no intent of changing Denied
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