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  1. What is your in-game name? Raf_Wozi Which staff member banned you? Arslan When did you get banned? 09/04/2020 What is the ban reason? Ramming Personal comment It was just one ram and i didn't meant it there was véhicles in road i tried to evade them
  2. i do apologize for my weird behavior . I'm Really Sorry for what i have done during my playtime on this server. Yet i'd like another chance to show that I'm not willing to repeat my inane mistakes. So I'd be real pleased if the staff team could consider the possiblitly of giving me a last chance to play on this server so that i will put everything behind and begin to roleplay properly . Sorry again . I'd like a last chance
  3. What is your in-game name? Raf Wozi Which staff member banned you? Arslan When did you get banned? 10/23/2020 What is the ban reason? Ramming Personal comment I acknowledge that my punishment history is quite terrible and I've made a lot of mistakes and violation of server rules yet I urge the staff team to give me a last chance and let me get used to roleplaying without making silly mistakes. I found myself innocent in this situation and of course I told other admins about what had happened but unfortunately I was directly banned and the situation was misunderstood. However , not considering that, I completely agree my punishment record is really really horrible and I'd like another chance to stop violating rules and play in a sensual manner as of the time I get unbanned. Once again I apologize for my weird behavior against players and the staff team. Please give me the last chance.
  4. you can go rn near downtown carter hq you will find two vehs blocking road and this guy coming in my way
  5. yes i got kicks for spamming and trolling about this ram i swear he meant it
  6. you know well where was the way u just cam crashed into me so u got ur reason to ban me
  7. What is your in-game name? Raf Wozi Which staff member banned you? Arslan When did you get banned? 10/23/2020 What is the ban reason? Ramming Personal comment get yourself a good reason to ban me about random ramming there was a vehicles blocking road and u were coming in my way and was 1 ram
  8. Team name: Dream Team Player 1/Team Leader : Raf Wozi / @Rick_Lucchese Player 2 : Polcas Lansky/ @Polcas Lansky Player 3 : Marshall Hunter / @John Ley Player 4 : Amin Finn / @Amin Player 5: Dinghy Davidson / @Thomas Hewitt Substitute : Said Karachi / N/A Weezy Carlton / @Tawgra Bill Gambino / N/A Bret Maverick /N/a Skin id : 230
  9. Can anyone muté this Guy his grammar fucked m'y brain
  10. What is your in-game name? Rick_Luciano Which staff member banned you? Frank_Thompson When did you get banned? 10/07/19 What is the ban reason? Lying to Managers Personal comment I m soory for what i did , i want last chance i wont do anything again against Rules
  11. Okey i m soory what i did just unban me i m ready to wait 2 weeks again
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