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About john_marsotte

  • Birthday 08/29/2000

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  • [SA:MP] RP

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  1. Hello there, I would like to change my interior to INTERIOR ID: 60; NR.2454 IG NAME: Narmie_Magaddino
  2. What is your in-game name? Edward_Magaddino Which staff member banned you? _dizzy When did you get banned? 06/03/2020 What is the ban reason? aimbot Personal comment mudoo TDM so this guy banned me for aimbot i wasen t aimbotting i was just playing as normal as i was i m just good at the game i kept killing him over and over so he banned me for aimbot BTW I PUT THE DATE OF THE BAN WRONG IDK WHEN I GOT BANNED ,THANKS
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