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Valentino P

Community Consultant
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Valentino P last won the day on January 30

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Community Positions

  • Community Consultant
  • SA:MP RP Mapper
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  • MC Whitelisted

About Valentino P

  • Birthday October 11

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  • Discord
    Valentino P.#7534

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  • [SA:MP] RP

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Valentino P's Achievements

Community Regular

Community Regular (8/14)

  • King of Parties 2022 Rare
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  1. Hello, I hope this knocked some sense into you. First off, you were asked to stop interfering with the admin situation by discontinuing to take your friend on to rob someone -MULTIPLE TIMES- to which you answered with and I quote "28-01-2024 01:33:33 - [b] Mask_10672 (Frank_Mellor (1)(191092)): i don't leave" after which you decided to stick there by claiming you are just with your friend again quoting "28-01-2024 01:33:36 - [b] Mask_10672 (Frank_Mellor (1)(191092)): iam with hi" which caused you to be admin jailed. After the admin jail, you went insulting in /ask and /b. You WILL be unbanned, but I hope to not see behavior like this again.
  2. With these changes we’re not fully expecting the server to become a proper and no mistake in roleplay type server, we’re hoping and aiming for a more civilized enviroment, this behavior that you’re mentioning is of course reportable, but I say that it’s something that would still stick around, hopefully in the future we will be able to transform it in a more RP friendly server, but as of now, our aim is towards civilization and a little bit more realism.
  3. You had the document already made up? Youtube documentary coming?
  4. I'm going to spoil the next party, buuuut the next party will be a chill one, nothing major, just to chill. In 2 weeks from now, I think I'm gonna do another one of these special parties where we can work out a time for you to come as well, sir. Obviously this doesn't mean that you can not visit any of my other parties. Everyone is welcomed.
  5. BEACH PARTY WE BROKE ALL RECORDS. We're going big, bigger and bigger by each party! The party on the beach was a record breaker and the best thing I and probably most of you have been part of so far. We got the bar busy ALL NIGHT and the dance floor was just filled with people. It was so hard to choose a winner for the ONLY armored Hotknife around. Almost all the people that showed up were there to have a good time and not to win and that's what I'm aiming for. We've seen people get so drunk they pass out, we've seen slutty girls, we've seen party beasts that were there to dance and be one with the music and the DJ, we've seen it all and that was AMAZING! Just remember, we're going bigger and bigger. VALENTINO THE KING OF PARTIES!! YACHT PARTY WE CONTINUE TO BREAK RECORDS. I worked my ass of for the upcoming party. You'll all have a big, big surprise. You've never seen something like this, EVER! If you thought the last party was unique, wait and see for what we've got going on now. Not only the location and the party will be unique, but the prize as well. I will be giving away the FIRST and ONLY VORTEX in the whole state to the person that will -just like the last party- have the best roleplay. The one with the best combination of roleplay, skin, emotes, enthusiasm (overall good party participant) will get to win this one. You get to decide what you will do with your character, we just want to see everyone having a good time. WHERE, WHEN? + Location: Verona Beach Pier, Los Santos + Date: 22/07/2021 + Time: 20:30 CET RULES + Roleplay is the priority + No shooting, aiming, trolling and such + No asslicking me (a lot of people were doing that last time) + You must understand that this is a party, and you're meant to first and foremost have a good time and enjoy Shoutout to Darko Washington for being the best bartender I've ever seen and a loyal and trustworthy dude! The parties wouldn't be the same quality without him! IMPORTANT NOTICE If you just come to watch, you won't be considered for the prize. You have to participate in the party to win.
  6. You never know man, just being there may help in the future parties *wink wink*
  7. BEACH PARTY WE BROKE ALL RECORDS. We're going big, bigger and bigger by each party! The party on the beach was a record breaker and the best thing I and probably most of you have been part of so far. We got the bar busy ALL NIGHT and the dance floor was just filled with people. It was so hard to choose a winner for the ONLY armored Hotknife around. Almost all the people that showed up were there to have a good time and not to win and that's what I'm aiming for. We've seen people get so drunk they pass out, we've seen slutty girls, we've seen party beasts that were there to dance and be one with the music and the DJ, we've seen it all and that was AMAZING! Just remember, we're going bigger and bigger. VALENTINO THE KING OF PARTIES!! YACHT PARTY WE CONTINUE TO BREAK RECORDS. I worked my ass of for the upcoming party. You'll all have a big, big surprise. You've never seen something like this, EVER! If you thought the last party was unique, wait and see for what we've got going on now. Not only the location and the party will be unique, but the prize as well. I will be giving away the FIRST and ONLY VORTEX in the whole state to the person that will -just like the last party- have the best roleplay. The one with the best combination of roleplay, skin, emotes, enthusiasm (overall good party participant) will get to win this one. You get to decide what you will do with your character, we just want to see everyone having a good time. WHERE, WHEN? + Location: Verona Beach Pier, Los Santos + Date: 22/07/2021 + Time: 20:30 CET RULES + Roleplay is the priority + No shooting, aiming, trolling and such + No asslicking me (a lot of people were doing that last time) + You must understand that this is a party, and you're meant to first and foremost have a good time and enjoy Shoutout to Darko Washington for being the best bartender I've ever seen and a loyal and trustworthy dude! The parties wouldn't be the same quality without him! IMPORTANT NOTICE If you just come to watch, you won't be considered for the prize. You have to participate in the party to win.
  8. We did it!! The winners were Angelo Gambino with 2 points as the first place which wanted a Sultan, in the second place we had Harry Diaz with one point which chose the Journey and then in the third place was Abu Venture with one point which got the Shamal. It was a great event, thank you for showing up, we'll do more!
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