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Unban appeal - Pacho_Corleone

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    Bug Abuse
  • Personal comment

    So I'll start from the beginning, no lies in here.

    Jason sold his houses to CrazzyRabbit. Jason can confirm I had the keys of his houses so yeah even after he sold I had access to the houses. Twice I have even stolen rabbit's planted weed. Once on my routine to plant weed inside home I thought to check the storage of Rabbit's and I found 50kgs of heroin from both of his houses.  Yeah that was suspicious as hell as I myself never been able to cook that much amount of heroin except for buying it from people. But I wasnt sure if it was bug abused or not as I knew the group of rabbit's work together as a team and they buy properties together (they(scare and rabbit) told me this when they bought the warehouse from me).

    A day or so after I found the heroin I saw rabbit in-game, I told him to talk with me on discord. The chat was very unusual at start, I kept trying in many ways to make him say if he bug abused or not but he was tough and didnt speak it out. But after half hour or so he was trapped and he just mistakenly admitted he did abused the bug but the bug was still unknown to me. Talks went further and I gave him my word that I wont be snitching on him and I just want to know just for the sake of curiosity. I was told about the bug and I went in game to try it. Now that day what I did was totally unintentional to abuse the bug for personal gains and it was just an attempt to check the bug, what I did? 7kgs of grapes 10 cases of snipers and m4s. 

    Later next day when I connected the bug was too tempting and I abused it for the first time, what did I abused? 10kgs of weed and grapes. Now after the bug abuse I could've abused it more whole day, could have made millions but nah I thought not to. I played after abusing for like straight 12hours more or less but I didn't  abuse it. Even the logs after I was aware of the bug in game can confirm myself saying to people ''I'm done with buying properties and stuff, I wont be buying anything more now I will just RP or farm''.

    Now where all the stuff abused gone? Cases are still there untouched. Weed is still there untouched. Grapes are used yes. 


    I regret what I did. The cash I received from the grapes is in my bank untouched. Not a single property or thing is bought from the bug logs will confirm it.

    I get numerous amounts that xyz manager said I have abused the bug. but I would like to clearly say I have not abused anything other than what stated above.

    I have not bought anything from the bug abused money. 


    Now the question arrives why I didnt report it? 

    People who genuinely knows me are aware that I do care alot about the 'Word given'. Yeah I did wrong not reporting but on the other hand I cant because its against my personal habit/rules. 

    Some higher ups are aware of the bugs I reported and get fixed which were highly exploitable and money making machines but I didnt abused them.

    I know what I did is clearly wrong and against the server rules and I am guilty of it. I regret what I did.


    I'm up for any questions to be answered. I've screenshots of the amounts I've stated above except for the cases and that's the reason I'm not sure about the cases but as far as I remember it was 10. Logs will be helpful for both parties. 


    I am genuinely guilty of what I've done and I regret doing it. But my past contributions should be considered when this ban appeal is being handled. I was too confused if I should appeal or not and how should I appeal but a friend whom advice I do give importance advice me to make a genuine unban appeal and here it goes. 


    p.s I know I fucked things up. I was already being monitored and I knew it. I was already being purged and now I gave the chance. 


    Thank You!



    Pacho ☺️ :D 



    note: I posted this appeal with the use of VPN as I am unable to access forums normally for unknown reasons.!


  • Popcorn 1
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Hello, Pacho_Corleone!


Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions:

  1. Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time.
  2. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies.
  3. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced.


In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.

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  • Community Owner

So you decided to keep pushing him to tell you he bug abused, clearly implying you knew he got the heroin by exploiting a bug?

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1 minute ago, Mikro said:

So you decided to keep pushing him to tell you he bug abused, clearly implying you knew he got the heroin by exploiting a bug?

No I was not at all sure if the heroin was by exploiting a bug but yes it was suspicious.

I kept pushing him if it was a bug or he got it by cooking, and yes he mistakenly admitted it. Later, I forced him to tell the bug. Though, I told him couple of times to stop abusing it both when I knew he was bug abusing and when I didnt know he was bug abusing only on the basis of my suspicion. 


(if you want I can screenshot the chat and pm you on discord/forums).

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  • Community Owner

Lets just stop talking bullshit. This whole unban request is a joke. It is very obvious that you are trying way too hard to make it all sound like you are the good player without any bad intentions in this story. If that were the case you would have contacted a manager about the possible bug the instant you noticed the heroin. But you did not. Period. That would already be the end of you unban request, but well, lets dive some deeper for the sake off.


You clearly knew with quite some certainty that the heroin came from an exploited. Otherwise you would not have kept pushing Th3CrazzyRabbit.

[23-06-2018 05:15:12] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:15] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:22] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:22] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:31] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:27:18] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50105 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 5 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:08] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 5 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50105 heroin

2018-06-23 05:24:36    5000000    Sold drugs to dealer
2018-06-23 05:24:51    3425400    Sold drugs to dealer
2018-06-23 05:32:17    5000000    Sold drugs to dealer

2018-06-23 06:44:31     -12441543     Purchased property (id:384)

Don't even try to argue that, even though you had a reasonable suspicion of it being from a bug, you did not do this for personal gain. You did do this for personal gain, because you are just plain greedy.



You clearly enjoyed trying this bug:

[24-06-2018 02:39:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (7)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:19:54] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:03] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -9 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:17] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:20] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -10 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -100 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:30] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:41] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:24:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:55] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 14000 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:29:29] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:29:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3300 seeds
[24-06-2018 04:29:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3300 grape seeds
[24-06-2018 04:31:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:31:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:32:04] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 05:00:43] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 5 m4 case
[24-06-2018 05:00:50] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:53:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -8489 grapes
[24-06-2018 07:53:31] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 07:53:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 8489 grapes
[24-06-2018 07:59:27] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:59:34] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:59:45] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 11 sniper case
[24-06-2018 08:10:16] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 9 sniper case
[24-06-2018 08:10:27] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -6 m4 case
[24-06-2018 08:10:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 6 m4 case

The above moment, the 24th around 8:00 in the morning, that is when it was more than obvious you should have reported the bug. But you did not. Now that you are caught you try to hide behind some story that you are a man of your "word". What a weak attempt to avoid public humiliation.



Lets look at the grapes now.

[24-06-2018 02:39:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (7)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:19:54] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:03] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -9 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:17] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:20] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -10 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -100 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:30] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:41] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:24:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:55] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 14000 grapes

2018-06-24 04:28:35     1260000     Sold 14000 grapes to factory

Directly sold them after using the exploit. Again, clear evidence of your greed.



But what about the weed. You claim you did not use it and everything is still there. That might be true. But why did you even try it again? Why even claim to be the good boy because you did not use the weed? Because directly after you used the exploit to get grapes in order to sell them a few hours later.

[25-06-2018 06:41:53] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10231 weed
[25-06-2018 06:42:05] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10343 grapes

[25-06-2018 09:20:43] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (10)(28): /load 18000 grapes

2018-06-25 09:26:23 	2229739 	Sold 22987 grapes to factory



 Don't try to bullshit us with you sad stories of how you knew this was bad and that you did not do it for personal gain. You clearly did not care.


Got any idea of what I generally hate the most? I will tell you. People that are so full of themselves that they start to think everything evolves are them. People who think they can wrap their wrongdoings in a nice story to get away with it. You are one of those people.

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On 6/26/2018 at 10:47 PM, Mikro said:

Lets just stop talking bullshit. This whole unban request is a joke. It is very obvious that you are trying way too hard to make it all sound like you are the good player without any bad intentions in this story. If that were the case you would have contacted a manager about the possible bug the instant you noticed the heroin. But you did not. Period. That would already be the end of you unban request, but well, lets dive some deeper for the sake off.


You clearly knew with quite some certainty that the heroin came from an exploited. Otherwise you would not have kept pushing Th3CrazzyRabbit.

[23-06-2018 05:15:12] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:15] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:22] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:22] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:31] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:22:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50000 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:27:18] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50105 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 5 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:08] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 5 heroin
[23-06-2018 05:30:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (14)(28): /load 50105 heroin

2018-06-23 05:24:36    5000000    Sold drugs to dealer
2018-06-23 05:24:51    3425400    Sold drugs to dealer
2018-06-23 05:32:17    5000000    Sold drugs to dealer

2018-06-23 06:44:31     -12441543     Purchased property (id:384)

Don't even try to argue that, even though you had a reasonable suspicion of it being from a bug, you did not do this for personal gain. You did do this for personal gain, because you are just plain greedy.



You clearly enjoyed trying this bug:

[24-06-2018 02:39:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (7)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:19:54] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:03] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -9 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:17] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:20] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -10 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -100 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:30] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:41] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:24:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:55] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 14000 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:29:29] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:29:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3300 seeds
[24-06-2018 04:29:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3300 grape seeds
[24-06-2018 04:31:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:31:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:32:04] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 05:00:43] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 5 m4 case
[24-06-2018 05:00:50] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 3 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:53:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -8489 grapes
[24-06-2018 07:53:31] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 07:53:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 8489 grapes
[24-06-2018 07:59:27] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:59:34] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10 sniper case
[24-06-2018 07:59:45] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 11 sniper case
[24-06-2018 08:10:16] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 9 sniper case
[24-06-2018 08:10:27] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -6 m4 case
[24-06-2018 08:10:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 6 m4 case

The above moment, the 24th around 8:00 in the morning, that is when it was more than obvious you should have reported the bug. But you did not. Now that you are caught you try to hide behind some story that you are a man of your "word". What a weak attempt to avoid public humiliation.



Lets look at the grapes now.

[24-06-2018 02:39:44] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (7)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:19:54] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:03] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -9 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:07] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:17] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 7324 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:20] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -10 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:20:23] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store -100 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:30] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:36] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:41] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grape
[24-06-2018 04:24:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:46] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:24:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -1 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:24:55] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:32] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /store 7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:40] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -7330 grapes
[24-06-2018 04:26:42] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /storage
[24-06-2018 04:26:51] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load 14000 grapes

2018-06-24 04:28:35     1260000     Sold 14000 grapes to factory

Directly sold them after using the exploit. Again, clear evidence of your greed.



But what about the weed. You claim you did not use it and everything is still there. That might be true. But why did you even try it again? Why even claim to be the good boy because you did not use the weed? Because directly after you used the exploit to get grapes in order to sell them a few hours later.

[25-06-2018 06:41:53] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10231 weed
[25-06-2018 06:42:05] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (1)(28): /load -10343 grapes

[25-06-2018 09:20:43] [INFO] Pacho_Corleone (10)(28): /load 18000 grapes

2018-06-25 09:26:23 	2229739 	Sold 22987 grapes to factory



 Don't try to bullshit us with you sad stories of how you knew this was bad and that you did not do it for personal gain. You clearly did not care.


Got any idea of what I generally hate the most? I will tell you. People that are so full of themselves that they start to think everything evolves are them. People who think they can wrap their wrongdoings in a nice story to get away with it. You are one of those people.




What story I wrapped this into?

I mentioned the exact numbers of negative bug storage abused and the same exact number are mentioned by the logs. What story are you talking about?


I was told to genuinely speak what I did, and I did so.  Not sure where am I missing? 

(A quick note after reading rabbit's appeal I want to add that I get 3 million from him for the buyout of my warehouse there should be logs of the dealing).


edit2: about the 400k dealing, https://imgur.com/a/fQSCl21. It was just a routine dealing but the /transfervehicle was bugged as you can see in the chats I've even made /support about it. 

I had no idea about any bug before sunday morning.


Edited by Mr.Pacho
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  • Community Manager

After a log review it's been established that you have earned about 17 million through the use of the exploit, as a consequence, we will remove double the amount, about 34 million (in assets since you don't have the money in hand)

  • Thanks 1
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1 hour ago, LocMax said:

After a log review it's been established that you have earned about 17 million through the use of the exploit, as a consequence, we will remove double the amount, about 34 million (in assets since you don't have the money in hand)

No, I've not avused 17 million worth of stuff.

My calculations can be wrong but I'll appreciated if they are corrected please. (Approx calculations done below)

I abused around 26.5kgs of grapes and I believe I've never sold for more than 98 per grape thats 2.56M

I've abused around 10.5kgs of weed and they are not even touched I've them in my storage you can check it, exact amount so it can be removed. Logs will confirm they are neither sold nor exchanged or so. You can penalise by removing 10.5kgs I've in my storage and rest in worth of cash thats around 950k (thats the max pg before the new update).

About cases I remember 10 cases of Sniper and m4, tho the logs posted by Mikro states 6 m4 cases and 10 sniper They are in the storage too so you can remove 20 sniper cases and 12 m4 cases considering the 2x of what I've abused.


About the 50kgs I swear they were not abused by me, even the logs confirms that. I stole them stored in Rabbit's house and logs can prove it. I've screenshot of loading from his house. I was not at all aware it was even of bug abused until then. Those 10m worth of heroin please shouldnt be penalise by 2x, because believe me until then it was like a gift for me and it was like I was stealing his heroin from storage just like the weed he used to plant inside house. I was not aware it was bug abused. 


So, the calculation of after 2x be like

5m (the abuse on grapes)

20 Sniper cases and 12 m4 cases ( I've them just take them from me)

950k + removing 10kgs if weed from my storage (weed abuse)



And take the 10m back because the heroin was bug abused. 


So I've around 4m in cash(1m in loaned which I will get back as soon as I connects) , and if you let me sell the skyscapper worth 12.3m that makes total of 16.3m. And calcuations after 2x to what I abused states 5.95m + 20sniper and 12 m4 cases. And 10m back because the heroin was bug abused by rabbit.

I hope you got the calculations.  



Edited by Mr.Pacho
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  • Community Owner

This is an unban request. No negotiation. You had your chance to show your side of the story. Not only here, but also in discord conversations with different members of the management team. That alone already, is quite special as normally you will just be pointed back to your unban request. We have been really lenient already.


The stolen heroin was a lot and you already said yourself the amount raised some questions. You knew there was quite a big chance that the heroin was gained by an exploit. You also tried to get the details of this exploit by constantly pushing Th3CrazzyRabbit. This all brings us to no other conclusion than considering that gained money as exploited.


Both values together come to a rough $17 million (not even mentioning the value of the other exploited items). Because this was gained by exploits, we will not just take it away, but double the amount. Otherwise there would be no reason to not use exploits if you can get away with it with just a ban.




This means we will be removing $34 million worth of money and assets from your account. The conditions below do apply.


Note: all the actual property values and direct money will be used to reach the $34 million, items have no value.


- We will remove all money on your account.

- We will remove all items involved in the exploits.

- We will transfer the Idlewood PNS to Timon as a courtesy for reporting this extreme big exploit.

- We will sell as many properties as needed to the "government" to reach the $34 million, starting from the most expensive.

- You will be unbanned after we have done all that is mentioned above.

- After the unban you have 1 week to sell all vehicles above the normal limit before we remove them without a refund.



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- Items removed


- Removed $296.338 from account

- Removed $3.202.802 from bank


- Sold property $12.441.543 (id 384)

- Sold property $6.960.000 (id 289)

- Sold property $5.010.000 (id 848)

- Sold property $2.780.000 (id 635)

- Sold property $1.403.436 (id 817)


- Idlewood PNS $2.500.600 still has to be transferred


A total amount of $34.594.719 has been removed. I guess you can consider yourself pretty lucky that we did not have to touch any more of your properties.



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