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  1. What is your in-game name? cruz_meriii Which staff member banned you? tanzidur When did you get banned? 12/13/1901 What is the ban reason? go play somewhere else Personal comment i humbly apologize for my behaviour in chat , i was in a bad mood and said whatever came to my mind without a second thought , shouldve waited my mood to stabilize but i didnt , and here i am, hope you can find the patience to unban me , thanks,
  2. yoooo tab in buddy the aryan brotherhood is here

  3. existence of this server is hazardous
  4. valrise shouldnt have mentally ill people in power right ?

    1. 'Wes


      The server is played by mentally ill people...

    2. loverofjubgs


      its led by them too mr 'wes

    3. cavosavosk


      Dont understand why you posting it on my profile

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