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SA:MP RP Helper
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Viper last won the day on December 9

Viper had the most liked content!


About Viper

  • Birthday 08/05/2005

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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Lucifer Reins
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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2,858 profile views

Viper's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)

  • One Year In
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  1. Your in-game name and discord: Ethan Riley & Viper - What do you want, and why: Anything You give me ?. Why is the reason because, I am never owned a Business. I never owned something that gives me profit. I was good and had sport cars everything till V2 TSunami. After the V3 Tsunamiml. I lost everything in that my house, my 1 sports car that I got price reward where I had to run mid of HRT deployment and get it. It was my very first super car I bought in valrise. Then I later exchanged the car for turismo had good life. But Now I have earn something get back to my old life. Anything You give me worthy is fine. When you return I will just pay you in everything. I keep promise. - Your estimated networth?: 2m in bank 4 vehicles[ Non Sport ] No House No Shop
  2. San Andreas Sheriff's Department - "Tradition of Service" Sheriff's Checkpoint by Traffic Enforcment Unit w On the 14th November,2024. Ethan had a call from the Sheriff's FOB Command Radolf Harrison to host a checkpoint at the Mullholand Intersection. Ethan is FOB Supervisor assigned the work Sub Inspector Mia Towsend to place the checkpoint required barriers assigned the roles to each of them. Later Lieutenant Radolf Harrision joined the Checkpoint later. Ethan Riley reported every actions to Lieutenant. He kept monitoring the checkpoint.
  3. Police Volunteer Alan Reins -To Protect and to Serve Back in the action!!
  4. Ingame name (main character): Ethan Riley Discord: viper._141. Age (IRL):19 What are your favourite genres of music?: Phonk, Romance,Rap, Rock Anything else you want to mention?: I was Ex DJ in VOV
  5. Alan Reins serving the force back in action!
  6. Brother I am interested in the office
  7. Sold to you, Contact me when you are in the city
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