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Player Reports

Report players who breach the SA:MP Mudoo Roleplay server rules.

Reporting players

Only the reporting player and the staff will be able to view topics in this board. This is in order to preserve anonymity of reporters and prevent potential hackers from observing that there is an open case against them.


If you have encountered or been involved with a player who has breached the rules of the SA:MP Valrise Roleplay server on purpose then submit a report here. Before you submit the report please make sure that what you're reporting for is actually a breach of the rules, forum reporting should only be done in cases when no staff are available in-game (i.e they told you to forum report or no staff are online). Keep the reports in a positive manner as this is not the place to be negative towards another player.


All player reports must have evidence that shows the player breaking the rules, without it we cannot process the report and it will be locked and archived. It's up to you as the reporting player to provide evidence not us. The following are valid ways of providing evidence:


Screenshots - They must not be edited in any way, please post them as they come when you F8 them or screenshot them with another capture program. Do not post them in the IMG tags instead keep them as a direct link.

  • Videos - Recorded gameplay is accepted but again it must be raw footage, no editing. Upload them to sites such as Streamable or YouTube. Do not provide download links.
  • Chatlogs - Player chatlogs are fine long as they are not edited in any way before being posted. But we do recommend you submit a screenshot in their place.
  • Witnesses - You can have other players back up your report but we will also need additional evidence such as video footage or screenshots to make your report all that more reliable. Witnesses can post on your report but only if they are there to add more information and not just poking their nose in.


Once you have submitted the report it is your responsibility to inform that player that there is an open report on them, reported players will have 24 hours to respond before action is taken against them directly.




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