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    Andre Hulldor

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  1. Bro I was naïve and new to the server ,as the server where I'm from does its a lot different
  2. ok i accept my mistakes, but isnt there a way to admin jail offline players?
  3. What is your in-game name? Bobby Socks Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hernandez When did you get banned? 04/26/2021 What is the ban reason? q/ to avoid Personal comment [Denied] Bobby Socks banned by Zac_Hernandez - Closed ban appeals - Valrise Gaming makes no sense
  4. I think waiting 15 days for unban is seriously ridiculous when the circumstances isn't that severe just a misunderstanding But, then again you guys are bias regardless in most cases
  5. you told me that I was gonna get ajailed for cophunting after I tried to explain the situation and you didn't say anything else indicating that we still talking , not gonna lie i got angry and left the server to clear my mind thinking when i came back would just wait out the jail time. No disrespect was intended
  6. What is your in-game name? Bobby Socks Which staff member banned you? Zac_Hernandez When did you get banned? 04/26/2021 What is the ban reason? Cop hunting, quitting to avoid punishment Personal comment [img]https://i.imgur.com/qTtuj7f.png[/img] Well I explaining what happened with me and a cop that reported, the guy handling the report didn't really wanna here my side of the story then he stated that I was gonna be ajailed for cophunting. I didn't argue with him I waited about a minute or less after the discussions I quitted the server then came back a few hours to sit out the jail time I saw that they banned me don't see the reason for a ban unless you can only jail online players Isn't there a system or cmds to ajail players when they are offline? What tool is used to jail players that are reported via forums
  7. lmao bring back the state vehicles, it was useless removing them is the first place ,really helpful running of a server full of cops
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