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SA:MP RP Manager
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Zac last won the day on July 19

Zac had the most liked content!

About Zac

  • Birthday 11/21/1995

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  • [SA:MP] RP
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. We'll reserve Pershing area for more reasonable properties
  2. Denied - you're over the owned business limit.
  3. Denied, you may get an HQ set there once you have a group.
  4. Better check your folders again buddy, it's tiring reminding everyone to stop downloading modded GTAs online. Fact is you connected to the server with illegal modifications, the hack is pretty easy to spot and is obvious. Re-appeal in 3 weeks, since this is your second time being banned.
  5. Will not be set as a property
  6. Property set, no gate, no yard
  7. Will be set for 250k, small office interior.
  8. Unbanned + forced on VAC + 50% wealth seize
  9. You were told to appeal after 2 weeks of your ban date, 15 July. As you're impatient, you are now to appeal on the 22nd July. Denied.
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