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Honorable Ex Staff Member
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Everything posted by cavosavosk

  1. And you are denied for 2 months Edit:forum posting restricted aswell
  2. After you have been dragging us in discord tickets I dont see a solid reason to unban you DENIED
  3. and you havent done it We have nothing to discuss here, apply in lets say 2 months DENIED
  4. As per ban consequences 50 percent of your wealth has been stripped and you have been forced on VAC UNBANNED
  5. You will be unbanned, but if I find out you were lying to me, you and your supposed "brother" will end up here for good UNBANNED
  6. Checked it, you will be unbanned, i advise you to change your password ingame to secure your account UNBANNED
  7. Sir Management Said No To Your Unban Because You Played On 2 Account When We Say Play On 1 Account Only No Unban For You DENIED
  8. I know you can write appeals in a sensible manner, reapply when you are willing to write one normally.
  9. Look, you were told to use one account, second account got accidentally unbanned due to a bug. You used both, knowingly. You cheated on one of them thinking that you would get away with that, moreover on anticheat. I dont see any motive why you should be given a chance and managers do not see it either DENIED dont bother appealing
  10. You are not banned, you were unbanned in mass unban Dont waste your chance
  11. I dont see such account even registered, raise a support ticket on our discord and we investigate it further together https://discord.com/invite/CmZXPfM
  12. I edited the message as you can see (doubt you saw it) You decided to come and spam flares everywhere, just to annoy people whilist Benson emphasised in public chat that any trolls would be punished. We had full right to punish you if you decide to troll around, and i was lenient with the walk. Anyways you thought that's not enough and came with shamal straight at the parking lot, and quit the game immediately afterwards That to me sir doesnt seem like a coincidence. Feel free to write a staff report if the punishment was unjustified. Appeal will remain locked
  13. You did not crash you quit the game, you knew why I banned you, you weredisrupting the event by placing flares everywher and after numerous warns from our side everyone understood that they should behave yet you had to top it off with a shamal landing I will keep this as 24 temp ban and unban you tommorow
  14. You were in need to use illegal mods on the other account, that's the real reason... I will consult your ban with managers and update here
  15. Considering its your first time doing such thing you will be unbanned and dicebanned for 30 days. If you repeat your actions you might end up here forever. UNBANNED
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