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Honorable Ex Staff Member
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Everything posted by Roddy

  1. property's location, value, and interior changed
  2. please send us screenshots of the property from multiple angles
  3. that property is not owned by you
  4. exterior furnishing for the property was enabled
  5. give us ID(s) of the garage interior that you want (make sure it fits the property's exterior):
  6. property relocated and interior changed to id 115
  7. exterior furnishing for the property has been activated and your previous furniture has been reactivated
  8. activated exterior furnishing for the property
  9. activated exterior furnishing for the property
  10. that one fits, you can make a /support ticket whenever any senior admin is in-game, they will change the interior of property NR 87 to id 111 for $30,000
  11. make a /support ticket when any senior admin is in-game, they will set a yard for property NR 798
  12. interior id 102 would not fit the exterior of the property because it would interfere with the other surrounding properties, you will have to find an interior with a size that would realistically fit this area:
  13. make a /support ticket when any senior admin is in-game, they will relocate the property and change the interior to id 74 for a total of $60,000 ($50,000 for the relocation and $10,000 for the interior change)
  14. please let us know the NR of the property, you can check the NR by using /property my
  15. lack of remorse, how can we know you will not repeat such acts? make a new ban appeal on the 14th of september, 2022
  16. make a /support ticket when any senior administrator is in-game, they will relocate your property for $50,000
  17. where exactly in avispa and doherty do you want those properties relocated to? provide some screenshots for us
  18. make a /support ticket when any senior admin is in-game, you will have to pay $10,000 for the interior change
  19. make a /support ticket when any senior admin is in-game, you will have to pay $30,000 for the interior change
  20. is there any specific reason you'd like the property moved all the way from bayside to los santos?
  21. make a /support ticket when any senior admin is in-game, you will have to pay $50,000 to the admin for the relocation
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