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Smith Wellington - Life of EX Officer


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Smith Wellington was born in 1993 at Las Venturas, city of fame and gamblers. He grew up in family of 6. He had an older brother named Carl, and younger sister named Mia. Smith had peaceful childhood, charmer in his age. He graduated from school and proceeded to study and finish his education in High-School located at old venturas strip. He then proceeded to study law in University of Venturas. Years passed and Smith graduated from the Law University. However his peaceful life turned upside down in one night, where his dad lost gambling bet. Their life became an struggle by all means! Family was going through hard times whether their wealth or their mentality. Smith started to work at grocery shop near his neighborhood. Years passed and family managed to get on their feet again. Smith decided to not waste anymore time and follow his dream which was becoming an peace officer. He first joined Los Santos Police Department, served there for quiet some time. However things didn't work out well for him, so he had to part ways. He lost hope by that time, until he heard about Sheriff's department's recruitment. He then joined sheriff's department. Until one day, his luck didn't last long and he had to part ways with sheriff's department as well. He spent some time helping people in local hospital at Market, however he couldn't go any further as his interest was serving as peace officer. He decided to give another chance with Police Department, and he attempted to retain his badge and start serving all over again. And finally Smith found the passion he needed, and he's now serving as Police Officer 1.

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Today Wednesday on May 10th, Officer Smith Wellington resigned from SAPD for personal break. Here’s an letter he wrote towards the SAPD command:

Hello respected command staff of SAPD. Today I want to inform you about my request regarding my resignation. I’d like to thank you for every opportunity you provided me with during my service within the department. However this isn’t the last time we’ll see each other, Who knows maybe one day I’ll come back and serve the state again. Until then I’ll leave this note here and wish everyone of you safe shift. Smith Wellington, End of watch.

Edited by Silenthill
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  • Lunatic changed the title to Smith Wellington - Life of EX Officer

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