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Representative Weston Lockeheed - (Congressman)


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I am Representative of the 2nd congressional district in Idle wood, Los Santos. Congressman Weston Lockeheed. I was born and raised in Idle wood on the 15th of June 1975 to two parent, Joyce and Devin. I grew up in a poor predominantly black neighborhood that was crime ridden, underfunded and neglected by the State and Federal Government. I went to school at Crenshaw South Idle wood High School, and graduated with my high school diploma. I then went to Howard University a historically black college and obtained my masters in business finance and econometrics. 

I have served as the Chief of Police and Special Weapons & Tactics operative And Special Operations Bureau Commanding officer  in the San Andreas Police Department. I also served as a former agent and Hostage & Rescue Team operative. I also have served as the United Supreme Chief Justice of the Department of Justice. I currently am retired from all of those positions as i have served my country and state with both pride and dignity. In 2019 i ran for the position of Congressman in the 2nd district in Idle wood and subsequently won this seat to represent my people. I currently live as a private citizen, whilst executing my Congressional duties. 


Political Orientation & Affiliations 



I have never been one to shy away from my political beliefs and associations. I am an avid black republican and a part of the the Congressional Black Caucus in the United States House of Representatives.  I support free speech and a free market society. I heavily lean Center off right and believe in the values of conservatism and the nucleus family. I heavily reject modernist ideas and Neo-Liberalism. I fight for the rights for our people in Idle wood, and for them to get access to the best schools, best government services and access to equal opportunity. I do not believe in race based policies and that all persons should be treated equally. 




How can you contact me?


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