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SA:MP RP Admin
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Nikky last won the day on May 18 2024

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  • SA:MP RP Admin
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About Nikky

  • Birthday 08/04/2005

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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Harry Kingsman
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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  1. Nikky


    Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Zayrox Michani Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/5ptFXHy Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/cQg70A2 Which properties are you participating for:All
  2. Nikky


    Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Benedict White Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/LnARici Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/MiGGO1T Which properties are you participating for:All
  3. Nikky


    Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Derek Holloway Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/7iCd54f Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/WzFyBOs Which properties are you participating for:All
  4. Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Harry Kingsman Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/moNJZCZ Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/E5gzqSv Which vehicles are you participating for:Patriot/Sandking
  5. Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Harry Kingsman Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/DWB98k9 Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/Ux8dnYV Which properties are you participating for:LV PnS/SMB PnS/LSCH 24/7
  6. Trafficking Mission A Trafficking Mission involves retrieving crates of goods from one location, transporting them through potentially dangerous routes, and delivering them to a designated drop-off point for numerous rewards. Trafficking mission Initiation Where to Intiate trafficking: Trafficking Is Initiated at Las Barrancas, for this mission you need atleast 4 members from your group, and 10 enemies online.When you reach trafficking point make sure all the members participating are at the point and start by /trafficking initiate after /trafficking add <player id> to add each members, but If you're In a squad with your friends then the trafficking add part Is not a need. What do I do after Initiating: After Initiating there will pop up a message, showing where the plane with the crates will be, and It always lands In one of the followings:LSAP,LVAP,SFAP,AAP.Make sure you have a bobcat or a yosemite In order to store the crates In there, after reaching the destination of the plane, approach the plane and write /trafficking crate, and then to store In the truck punch the truck. Where do I deliver the crates: After storing all the crates, a red marker will pop up In your map, It will be a random location and together with the truck that has the crates go to the location, when you reach the location approach the red marker then punch the truck to get the crates and press Y to deliver the crates, each crates gives you:AK/M4 cases, cocaine, heroin, cannabis indica/sativa, drug ingredients. Note: After delivering all the crates, the mission will reward you with 3 group points. Group Perk In group perks there's a perk that also boosts the chances of getting more good things, only If the perk Is activated. Skills perk Except a group perk, If you reach a certain level In the smuggler skill you will also receive more amounts of good things mentioned above.
  7. Hello @Yuki_Katana! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules. (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  8. Hello @Kaiser! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules. (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  9. Hello @Katz! Your garage request has been APPROVED for $2,500,000 with Interior 5, contact any property admin to get It done. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  10. Hello @Katz! Your property request has been APPROVED for $1,500,000 contact any property admins In-game to get It done. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  11. Consider reappealing 1 week from today, maybe we'll unban you, for now denied. DENIED
  12. Hello @Paoloo__! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  13. Hello @Paoloo__! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
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