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SA:MP RP Admin
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Nikky last won the day on May 18

Nikky had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Nikky

  • Birthday 08/04/2005

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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Elijah Lloyd
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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Community Regular (8/14)

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  1. Hello @Daniel Martinez! Your property request has been APPROVED and the yard won't cost anything since It's In richman, contact any property admin or senior admin to get It done for you. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  2. Hello @Jelly_Roger! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  3. Great that you're coming out clear, as per ban consequences reappeal after 2 weeks and you will be unbanned. DENIED
  4. Hello @santiagoanx! Your property request has been APPROVED for $50,000 with Interiors 40 or 41.Contact any property admins or senior admins to get It setup for you. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  5. Hello @Martin Adelbert! As you can see the property Isn't fit for a personal use, DENIED. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  6. That's a serious cheat how could you not know that you have such cheat, reappeal after 2 weeks and we'll see. DENIED
  7. Sir unless you come out clean you will not be unbanned, try reappealing after 2 weeks. DENIED.
  8. Hello @**Amigo**! Your property request has been APPROVED for $50,000 with Interiors 40,41 or 100.Contact any Property Admins or Senior Admins to get It set up for you. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  9. Hello @Nick_Secton! Your property request has been APPROVED, contact any property or senior admins to get It set up for you. Regards, Administrator, Nikky.
  10. Nikky

    [BUYING] Stunt

    Hello Vitazzz! This topic will be locked and archived In 9 hours. as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, NIkky
  11. Hello Javi Vercetti! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Nikky
  12. Hello Ken "DRAKEN" Ryugiji! This topic will be locked and archived as per advertisment rules (HERE) Regards, Nikky
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