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  1. ok bud, u win. u can take it for 5million. have fun
  2. I want a garage there. probably garage id 8 if possible. garage id 4(normal garage) if not
  3. Name: Alister_Katz Requesting: House Image:
  4. Name: Alister_Katz Requesting: Yard Image:
  5. imma outbid the opps real quick. 2m.
  6. Can i see the profit logs?
  7. NR 162 Previous buyers bought it for 5m > 8m Top offer: 6m B/O: 8m Value: 700k
  8. What is your in-game name? Alister_Katz Which staff member banned you? Ive_Harmon When did you get banned? 03/09/2023 What is the ban reason? nice fly hacks bro Personal comment Right now, it's 1:30am, meaning its 30th march, atleast for me, i hope that's valid enough. I was told i can reappeal my unban on 30th march, so here I'm, once again, requesting an unban. Yes, i admit that i did use hacks and now im not so proud of that, just wish to get a second chance to play in this amazing server. Everyone deserves a second chance. That's about it- I would appreciate it if you were to give me a second chance and i do apologize for my behavior with the cheats, Thanks. Signed Katz quote - *karma is real*
  9. What is your in-game name? Alister_Katz Which staff member banned you? Ive_Harmon When did you get banned? 03/09/2023 What is the ban reason? nice fly hacks bro Personal comment Alright, I'll be honest. This was a mistake from me, I took advantage of the playerbase and thought no admins will be online considering that no one replied to my report of someone carjackking me, I was furious i turned on my fly hacks and exactly 5 thief cars until i was punished. I'm new to the server and I never wanted this to end like so, I really found this server the only one deserving to be played, it's just.. the BEST. Everything is prefect. I really do not want this to end like so, So I do apologize for cheating and I'd really appreciate it if you were to unban me.
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