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    Darryl Williams
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  1. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Zac When did you get banned? 06/04/2016 What is the ban reason? Not fit for valrise or smh like that Personal comment So my ban status now is ''permanent'' in the blacklist. why not make it into 2028 or something? let's negociate the year 2040 would be too late.. 2030 too early, let's decide
  2. What is your in-game name? Trey Young Which staff member banned you? Zac When did you get banned? 06/05/2023 What is the ban reason? NoRP. Personal comment Look, i m willing to accept the mistakes but under certain conditions. please unban me i didn't do shit AUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  3. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 04/11/2024 What is the ban reason? Runing a brawl Personal comment Shaq stop fucking taking this it's not meant for you. i m saying my ban wasn't justified at all
  4. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 05/12/2024 What is the ban reason? Ruining GSF NBA brawl Personal comment I log in for the first in valrise since 2 months, i got called for BK in a brawl. since i didn't have a bat i stayed there, not fighting anyone (realizing full well this is a brawl and guns don't have to get involved). Until someone shoots me a bunch of times (an NBA), i shot em back.. i genuinely don't understand this ban, not in the least. Nothing i did was wrong and someone was fast to ban me. I d like to get a chance in this server again, and to respect rules
  5. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 06/02/2024 What is the ban reason? Ruining the GSF - NBA brawl Personal comment I m opening this application because i m banned from discord and i found no other way to communicate about the legitimacy of this ban. I log in for the first in valrise since 2 months, i got called for BK in a brawl. since i didn't have a bat i stayed there, not fighting anyone (realizing full well this is a brawl and guns don't have to get involved). Until someone shoots me a bunch of times (an NBA), i shot em back.. i genuinely don't understand this ban, not in the least. i m expecting a good explanation here (if there s a confirmed rulebreak from my part, fine, the ban is justified and i wouldn't have wasted my time trying an unban) i just think the Manger who banned is biased, i feel like the reasoning was ''Darryl got reported, then he must be the problem because he always is'' The way i want this appeal approached is to provide me an explanation/proof for my ban. because i know i won't get unbanned in the case i m established to have broken a rule.
  6. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Kacper When did you get banned? 04/15/2024 What is the ban reason? Killing for poor reason Personal comment I spent this time reading the rules and improving my roleplay, i think i learned my lessons and i m ready to behave accordingly.
  7. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Kacper When did you get banned? 04/29/2024 What is the ban reason? DM - script abuse Personal comment On the DM part : Kacper claimed that i DM'ed Taymor Felando for no reason and with no interaction at all. The thing is i m part of a rival gang, and we planned for a kidnapping of Taymor. I give him instructions to put his hands up (this is the point of view of my friend who took an Screenshot as Taymor ran back into the safezone of GS9, as u can see on the map he is very close towards the end point of the safezone and appears to be reversing in the screenshot.) he doesn't comply (no gunfear) and move back with his back into the safezone (we were a few meters away from SZ). After a few dozens of seconds of non compliance, i choose to shoot him, he didn't even take damage since we were in SZ. The shooting only occured when another NBA member chose to shoot us, and Taymor followed him into it. I managed to down him.. i tried to rethink my behaviour but honestly i don't see any DM here. Maybe we can say the sit started too close to the SZ, i can be guilty of that, although it's still a few meters away. (And there is no mentioning of the Safezone in the ban reason so..) The script abuse part : i was mapping the inside of my bar through /furniture, i was IN THE PROCESS of mapping it, meaning there were still things incomplete things that could be taken for abuse, but i wasn't intending to let it like that. So as i was mapping, some guy named Le_Tireur brought a bunch of cops and came to hide inside my interior, taking advantage of some furniture to shoot at cops.. but it can't be my fault since the mapping wasn't completed. (u can find proof in logs, that i was mapping at the moment of Le_Tireur's rushing) This is me clearly giving instructions to Taymor to pull over
  8. Name: Darryl_Williams Requesting: Business (maybe house) Image: I want a factory set here, we have a lot of RP we want to do in it as a group. (AGC)
  9. Name: Darryl_Williams Type: House Reason: I need a restricted garage set in my property id 332. (preferably ID 8 garage, since it's a big garage as u can see) I am also requesting for a yard if possible Image:
  10. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Annonymous When did you get banned? 12/30/2023 What is the ban reason? Dm - trolling Personal comment So i made a mistake, jumping on top of a tank and shooting it, that was unrealistic. I would like to get another chance because i have improved my behaviour. Thanks
  11. I assume the legitimacy of these sanctions, and i will do my very best to respect the rules from now on. Maybe hanging out with better RP'ers will help for sure, i ll try to stay distant from tattaglias and the like; if i get one other chance there will be no rulebreak from my part.
  12. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Unknown When did you get banned? 01/02/2024 What is the ban reason? Trolling - Deathmating Personal comment I was basically banned because of this scene, yes i committed a rulebreak that is evident & undeniable but that i argue to be unintended : The tank did /b1 while i was robbing/killing someone (i was wanted) i thought it was an instruction to lay on the ground that's why i shot. But i still take the blame : it was a huge powergame to shoot a tank + to surf on it like that. I thought about this and decided to have a lot more caution when it comes to rules and i won't ever ruin other players's gameplay. I m sorry and i d like to have a chance in Valrise again. The rumor according to which i m a nuisance to all players is very wrong (mainly proliferated by Yuri & some NBA HR), i think there are many players who'd like me to come back.
  13. What is your in-game name? Darryl Williams Which staff member banned you? Kacper When did you get banned? 02/01/2024 What is the ban reason? Deathmatching / Troll. Personal comment I got banned by Kacper after Yuri recorded me on top of Mircea (NG)'s tank, shooting him down. i doubt Kacper didn't dig enough into the context of that before sanctioning, because everyone in DC was crying ''Darryl is a DMer'', when actually it was not. What actually happened is we were having a shootout (as a gang, LSV) with someone, then Mircea saw the whole thing and called for backup + told us to do /handsup in the megaphone then threatened to shoot. its not DM nor trolling, and i d like to come again in Valrise, to have fun while respecting the rules. thanks
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