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Everything posted by theochris

  1. Looking to purchase one of the above vehicles. Hit me up on email for more info. (Discord: theochr1s)
  2. Would like to move my HQ, NR 526, from Market to East Los Santos in the location above. Also would like a yard applied and Garage set.
  3. Name: Curtis_Barns Requesting: Group Property Image:
  4. Need this bar for RP purposes since it's in my group territory and there is not a scripted bar near
  5. Name: Curtis_Barns Requesting: Business Image:
  6. I would like to have this house and apply yard and Private Garage on it.
  7. Name: Curtis Barna Requesting: House Image:
  8. The only Strip Club around Los Santos area. Good place for Roleplay and event hosting. Value: 700k Offers will start from 500k No buynow yet.
  9. Man no offense but why u give 5M for a thing u can't use? Since u mobile
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