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Andres Wrecker

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Everything posted by Andres Wrecker

  1. Name: Andres Sheller Type: Business Reason: Hello... i would like to relocate my pizza shop From Image: To
  2. Name: Property Relocation Type: Business Reason: Hi i need to relocate this "office" (i think is an office because is a non-proffitable bussines there are nothing for sale so... i think is just an office) to this warehouse. the reason is because i need that garage for rp... a personal garage for repair cars and such and it will need a change of interior too like ID 23 or ID 81 From: Image: To:
  3. Name: Interior change request Type: Business Reason: Yo.... i want to change the interior of my bar for ID 112 the reason is because the current interior is to small and i wanna try to make something creative inside with furniture Image:
  4. Name: Interior Change Request. Type: House Reason:Sup I would like to change the interior of my house for interior id 46 or at least another one Reason: id 46 fits with the exterior Image:
  5. Name: House relocation and Interior change Type: House Reason: house N°: 2159 Can you pls move the icon of my house from its backyard´s door to the front door? reason is to prevent future encroachments because im paranoid and change its current interior for interior id 101 because fits in the property pls and thank you Image:
  6. Name: Andres Wrecker Type: House Reason: Hi... i would like to ask if would be possible to move my house /gps 2193 to that cabin... because my character ig is a rare antisocial who lives in the forest and i have found that empty cabin. Image:
  7. What is your in-game name? Andres Wrecker Which staff member banned you? Simon Riley When did you get banned? 08/07/2021 What is the ban reason? Auto-Fishing Personal comment Hello this is the day they told me to appeal again so i will try to explain it in 7 seconds. when i started to fish i asked to myself if it would be possible for the pc fish without me so i did a google search and i learned how to do it and it worked but never occurred to me to think for a second about the rules now im perfectly clear that this is against the rules and i swear not to do it again. seriously i wont do it again.
  8. What is your in-game name? Andres Wrecker Which staff member banned you? Simon Riley When did you get banned? 08/07/2021 What is the ban reason? Auto-fishing Personal comment Hi... i was banned for making the pc fishing automatically thinking that it would make my life easier now i promise not to do it again next time i will think what would jesus do? before
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