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Imam Rasyid

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Imam Rasyid last won the day on December 19 2023

Imam Rasyid had the most liked content!


About Imam Rasyid

  • Birthday 09/22/2001

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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Iftina / Judice
  • [SA:MP] GW
    Iftina Williams
  • [FiveM] RP

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  1. What is your in-game name? Iftina_Hernandez Which staff member banned you? Inferno When did you get banned? 04/03/2024 What is the ban reason? NameTag Personal comment The cheat is not even activable if you realize where I place the file and what's the file format (it was .cs file). It is because I have it to play in DM servers or freeroams, as I create YT Content in Valrise and no reason for me to use it that way. Thats why I moved the file off the cleo folder so it won't even be activable (I placed it on GTA Directory while it's a cleo file, it cant be activable that way). The reason is simply I never intended to use it in Valrise but only trying to use it in other servers. If I had intention to use it, I would've not used VAC at first.
  2. Name: Iftina_Hernandez Panel profile link: https://panel-rpg.valrisegaming.com/player/iftina_hernandez
  3. I offer you to focus on your ban appeal... try to meet a psychiatrist
  4. Value: $1.100.000 Location: Market BO: $500.000 Starting offer: $100.000 Raise $50.000 per offer. Pictures:
  5. #1 Vehicle Name: Turismo Vehicle Type: Sport Car Price: Offer (or contact 4777) Picture: Seller, Iftina.
  6. Selling a house with active garage (openable) Location: El Corona Value: 200k Starting Bid: 500k Buyout: 1,5m
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