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Honorable Ex Staff Member
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Everything posted by AiM

  1. Name: Brian Harlow Requesting: House Image: INTERIOR ID: 100 DESCRIPTION: Apartment 2
  2. PROPERTIES Richman House - NR 1199 24/7 near LSCH - NR 1419 LV Redsands PNS - NR 1912 Dillimore Furniture Store - NR 1936 CHC old house custom furnished at north LV - NR 2462 BB level 3 safe house - NR 2762 Dillimore office with gate and garage - NR 2891 Business at market mall office type - NR 3297 VEHICLES Sultan Maverick Buffalo Maverick NRG - 500 Journey Van Huntley 1.5khp Admiral 1.5khp Premier 1.5khp Reply with format Name: Panel profile link: ((A special note from my side I have recently resigned and I myself don't know when I will come back, but now I am currently focusing on in real life by improving my health, social life, love life and studies with more stuffs. This might be just a break or permanent one which I don't know myself. I want to give a special thanks to @LocMax (He keeps scripting for the server and players by seeing their suggestions which is a great backbone of the server itself), @Ben$on(A good man who directly told me of wrong doings whenever I screwed up and other helps plus guided me a lot), @cavosavoskand other friends who are playing here. It was a good journey from 2020 to 2024, but I think my time has come to give it a full stop. Maybe I will come back soon, but let's see what makes it in the future. All the staff, you are doing good and keep on going. I might still help you for staff things if you forgot anything, which means directly hit me up in discord. Also keep WWI alive and keep going on))
  3. Make at least a good appeal and effort given.
  4. You can come and tell the truth or the appeal gets denied again.
  5. Hello, Management has decided to give you a chance, just make sure do not engage in this again. You will be having no chance left again after this Regards, Brian Harlow
  6. You are unbanned If you try to do this again, you will be banned and need to serve a long punishment period.
  7. If you don't know the password, try to verify and recover that account in discord valrise ticket.
  8. You can appeal after 25th February 2024. Appeal is denied
  9. Do you know the full name of Dwayne_ account?
  10. Alright, but unfortunately the history of punishments I showed you is not full, it is way longer. You would have served a year-long ban with what you have now, but I will reduce it to 3 months. You will be unbanned on April 07, 2024.
  11. Let's count the actual punishments, which are similar for death match and other such rule breaks. Do you have something to say and clarify how you are not going to repeat this again? Need serious answer or it gets denied.
  12. Come up saying the truth or else you will keep getting denied.
  13. As referring to last appeal Make a good application. Denied
  14. You are caught with aim bot for second time by using VAC. Do not apply again before 30 April 2024. Regards, Brian Harlow
  15. Hello, You were a staff, so the ban punishment will be for 3 months. You can re-appeal after 21st April 2024. Your appeal is DENIED. Regards, Brian Harlow
  16. Management has moved Tanzi's property there.
  17. Provide this detail Property NR of your house
  18. The interior ID does not fits with this property Choose another
  19. Hello, Does not fit the property, choose something else
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