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  1. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 12/04/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying To Adminstration Helping Ban Eveder Personal comment Sir im not helping a ban evader then im not lying to adminstration i will talk true Anthony Promise my car i was drop in dealer then not lock my car then ban evader making a account then he buy a c4 in dealer then store in my car Promise I did noy lying to adminstration Promise.....Thats All Thank I wan to Play this game again i love it Pleae Unban Me..........
  2. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 08/12/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying to Adminstration And Helping Ban Evader. Personal comment Sir im not lying to adminstration then im not helping a ban evader i dont who is that ban evader promise and my car that I left with a dealer that is not locked and there is a ban evader who creates an account to buy the c4 at the dealer and put it in my car that is not locked promise
  3. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 09/04/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying To Adminstration Personal comment Sir im not lying to Adminstration i will talk in true Sir im not lying promise im not helping a Ban evader i dont not him i just left my car with the daeler open and i can no longer lock it Promise i did not help Ban Evader Promise Pleae Unban Me.........................
  4. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anyhony_Salerno When did you get banned? 09/05/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying To Admistration Helping Ban Evader Personal comment Sir im not Helping a Ban Evader Then im not Lying to Admins i will talk in true Promise sir I will leave my car with a dealer who is not locked and my a ban evader who makes many accounts to e store in my car im not helping a ban evader Promise........
  5. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 01/02/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying To Adminstratrion Personal comment Ouhh Sorry Sir im Using Philipine Language Im not lying to admins sir im talk in true in admin Promise Promise.................
  6. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 12/20/2020 What is the ban reason? Lying To Adminstration Personal comment Sir Promise im not lying to Adminstration Promise Gago ka nga admin ka nga Anthony_Salerno Daw Gago ka Pataka ka lang Yawa ka nga Anthony_Salerno Promise im not lying to Adminstration i will Talk in True im not lying to Admin Puta ka nga admins yawa Please Unban me Promise im not lying to admin Kung wla ko ga tinikal bantayan mo lang nga admin ka yawa ka Anthony_Salerno Puta ga Pataka ka lang sang wakal mo nga Hinde True Kag Gago ka Anthonhy_Salerno Thats ALL Gago Nga Admin Thank you Anthony_Salerno.........................
  7. Oky I will Focus im my Ban Appeal Your House is Fucking Kalain.........
  8. I do not have a connection with them and I do not know them because my car I left at the dealer is not locked and there is a man who creates an account to store in my car.
  9. Then I Forgot To Lock My Car.....Promise im not helping a Ban-Evader......Promise
  10. Sir im not Helping a Ban-Evader....Promise. He Making a Account to buy a dealer to c4 and then my car I left my car with the dealer unlocked..Promise,,,
  11. Promise..........Im not lying to Adminstration.......Promise......................
  12. What is your in-game name? Chan_Changco Which staff member banned you? Anthony_Salerno When did you get banned? 01/02/2021 What is the ban reason? Lying To Adminstration Personal comment Sir I'm not lying to admin I will talk to true then my vehicle unlock in dealer and Tama making a account to buy c4 and store in my car I don't know he store my car I'm not lying to Adminstration and I will talk in real to you Anthony Salerno PLease Unban me James Kavanagh Unban me and I'm Ban Again Please Unban me I'm not lying to Adminstration and I will talk in real please please please That's All Thank You......................
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