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SA:MP RP Manager
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Everything posted by Zac

  1. Unbanned, please install CaC before connecting to the server. Follow the instructions on the link above.
  2. You will be getting a chance to play in the server, I hope you did remove your illegal modifications and You will be forced to use our Client Anti-cheat system. You can download it here. Steps are there to guide you for installation.
  3. I hope so. If not then I'll see here again soon. Following our unban regulations review date will be set 25th of January 2021. Do not ban evade till then.
  4. You have 24 hours to reply, else this ban appeal will be denied.
  5. As this is your first ban and a clean punishment history. You will be unbanned today.
  6. What will be the outcome if we decide to unban you? What will change?
  7. Level 10 with 11 punishments on record. That seems to be bad, my friend. You we're banned since 25th November, I sure do hope you spent time learning the rules. However let me ask you, did you create another account after you got banned? Yes or No.
  8. Sending screens of your files does not mean anything. Files are easily transferred and removed or etcetera. All we want is for you to answer this question honestly. Do you deny the usage of illegal modifications?
  9. Please stop posting more appeals. You only need one.
  10. Level 9 and you already have 15 punishments in total including this ban, and 2 tempbans. You clearly are just playing for your own fun and not caring about server rules. What will change if we unban you? Also, please avoid creating another accounts, you will just lose your chance on playing this server again.
  11. The ban was a mistake, I apologise for this. You are unbanned. @Caspian
  12. As you have a clean record other than this ban, you will be unbanned later on today, and we'll be forcing you to use CAC and take 40% of your networth as per ban consequences.
  13. Plus we waited for you long enough, still you did not come back.
  14. Uhm, mister. You are not banned. You just got kicked out of the server because you we're afk without tabbing out.
  15. As this is your second ban, following our guidelines, review date will be set four weeks after the ban date which will be on the 14th of December 2020, as per ban consequences we will be taking 40% of your networth. Locked till then.
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